Hebrew Israelite Coli Members..... that 12 tribes chart, rip it up!


The Coli
Apr 1, 2013

Broke-down logically and intelligently....... Take time and take it in....

That 12 tribes chart is WRONG!!!! Period.... GMS, IUIC, WGN etc... etc... etc...... Heathens!!!

Straight to the point,

God is not the author of confusion!

Non-blacks are not Israel... Period! They can be grafted in if they believe in our God but they aren't us by blood....


The Coli
Apr 1, 2013

Nah... God said he spread Israel to the 4 corners; how are all the tribes in the americas? That contradicts scripture... God isn't the author of confusion! So either God is wrong or that chart is wrong...... and if you say that chart is right, you call God a liar... that's blasphemy!

It's over... you can't logically tell me African-Americans have more in common with Indians than they have with africans... That makes no freaking sense!

Truth is steadily coming out and those hebrew israelite groups are being exposed for the frauds they are...

Remember GMS' prophecy about christ coming in 2000?.... yea....


The Coli
Apr 1, 2013

From the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, tens of thousands of America's native peoples were enslaved, many of them transported to lands distant from their homes.

Does not fit the prophecy of scripture.... They weren't disconnected from their heritage nor called a byword in every land they are captive in..... no yokes of iron either... and certainly not to the moved 4 corners of the world by force<---- Everything has to fit..... native americans don't, period....

Watch those vids! You are literally handing your heritage over to people who could care less about you.... have some respect for yourself!


Nov 25, 2014
Does not fit the prophecy of scripture.... They weren't disconnected from their heritage nor called a byword in every land they are captive in..... no yokes of iron either... and certainly not to the moved 4 corners of the world by force<---- Everything has to fit..... native americans don't, period....

Watch those vids! You are literally handing your heritage over to people who could care less about you.... have some respect for yourself!

They are called bywords. They are not called their names before whites came.
They did discontinue from there heritage. White people from Spain called the conquestidors came and enslaved them. Hence the reason they have Spanish names, speak Spanish, and now worship the same religion as their slave masters (Catholic). You need to learn history before you claim somebody ain't Israelites. I just gave you the link showing they did get scattered in ships. They did get put in chains of iron, and they are disconnected from their heritage


The Coli
Apr 1, 2013
They are called bywords. They are not called their names before whites came.
They did discontinue from there heritage. White people from Spain called the conquestidors came and enslaved them. Hence the reason they have Spanish names, speak Spanish, and now worship the same religion as their slave masters (Catholic). You need to learn history before you claim somebody ain't Israelites. I just gave you the link showing they did get scattered in ships. They did get put in chains of iron, and they are disconnected from their heritage

They were not spread to the 4 corners like blacks were... they weren't moved to africa & asia, and even the islands of the sea by force.... blacks were!

The native Americans are embracing their heritage as I type... there are groups in Brazil who have not changed one bit... They even know what tribes they come from to this very day; they were never disconnected... Even the five civilized tribes go by the names their ancestors did before Europeans arrived; although it's translated into english....

I said yokes of iron, like the yoke of iron they literally put on black slave's necks... that seldom, if ever, happened to native americans....

They are not called by bywords; a byword is a negative, insulting, name placed on a group of people. A native American is simply a native American anywhere outside of the americas... They aren't referred to negatively by other nations.... blacks are.... hell black people are even called bywords by native americans and non-black latinos... You should know that!

The people who largely speak Spanish, have Spanish names and practice catholicism due to conquest are mixed raced people who didn't even exist 700 years ago...

Now... When I said mixed race, I mean the people from south america, the caribbean and central america, who are neither black, white or indigenous... but are truly mixed; a mix of african slaves; european men; and indigenous people. The average mexican, dominican, puerto rican, brazilian etc, is mixed.... like the American mulattoes we see today, they even look similar... and those people are a modern creation due to amalgamation.... mixed people truly don't have a culture or heritage but practice the ways of the land... This is what's confusing you! Those mixed race latinos are the offspring of European men... of course they're going to be similar to what their fathers are.... The black latinos on the otherhand, we're stripped of their original heritage and are fulfilling biblical prophecy just lIke us african americans; the indigenous people in Latin america, the ones who weren't completely wiped out, are still doing what their ancestors did; those brazilian indians i mentioned should come to mind...

Native americans and non-black latinos are not israel! They do not fit biblical prophecy to the verse like blacks, true israel, does...

That 12 tribes chart is false! It is a lie created by wicked men to lead israel astray... away from understanding...

Do you even know who created that chart? Let me tell you something... the guy who did, believed that a certain leader of a hebrew israelite sect was jesus christ.... I am not lying... absolute blasphemy!

Wake up! You're african american.. this is your history book and no one else! Stop giving your heritage away to heathens!
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Nov 25, 2014
Below is a monument of Theodore Roosevelt riding atop a horse, with the American Indian and the American Black walking on the ground on either side as servants/slaves. King Solomon saw a vision of this and said “I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.”-Ecclesiates 10:7
So who is the servant on the horse in a position of power? The whiteman and who are the Princes walking as servants? the so called Blacks and so called Indians. They represent the two kingdoms of Israel.

Both the scorner and unlearned often make the same statement. You can’t prove Indians are Israelites. The first thing you must know is the history of the nation of Israel. After the death of King Solomon, his son Rehoboam ruled and he was cruel and greedy. Ten of the tribes revolted from Rehoboam and chose Jeroboam of the tribe of Ephraim as king. Hence the biblical terms Judah and Israel. One of Jeroboams acts was to cast all the Levitical Priest from the lands of Israel so they wouldn’t lead the tribes back to the kingdom of Judah because remember on three holidays (Deuteronomy 16:16) all Israelite men had to come up to Jerusalem which is in the land of Judah. Jeroboam did not want the ten tribes returning to Judah under Rehoboam so he cast out all the Levites which scattered as priests throughout the lands. Read 2 Chronicles 11:5-15

So the Southern kingdom of Israel was called Judah/Jews which consisted of three tribes Judah, Benjamin and Levi. The Northern kingdom was called Israel which consisted of ten tribes led by Ephraim.

When the Assyrian empire rose up in 722 b.c. they conquered the Northern kingdom of Israel and transported them out of their lands and brought them into the land of Assyria. Read 2 kings 17:22-24. Then rose up the Babylonian Empire around 606 b.c. and conquered the southern kingdom of Judah and all of Assyria which included the northern kingdom of Israel who were slaves in Assyria. Then in 536 b.c. Cyrus the king of Persian & Mede empire and conquered all of Babylon which included the kingdoms of Judah and Israel who were slaves in Babylon. The Heavenly father made Cyrus free all Israel according to Ezra 1:1-9. It was then the Northern kingdom of Israel decided to go to another land that we now call America.


2 Esdras 13: 40 “Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land.
[41] But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,
[42] That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land.
[43] And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river.
[44] For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over.
[45] For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth.”

The land where never mankind dwelt is the Americas. The above verse proves that the so-called Indians scattered throught Canada, North central and south America are Israelites of the ten tribes of Israel and did not come thru the Bering straits as America teaches us in their school system.

The Prophet Moses prophesied the 10 tribes of Israel leaving and going to the other side of the earth led by Ephraim. Deuteronomy 33: 17 His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.

Hosea 11:10 They shall walk after the LORD: he shall roar like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children shall tremble from the west. (Because the 10 tribes of Israel left the east and went west.)

This also proves that in 1492 Christopher Columbus knew exactly where he was going and what people lived there because he studied the biblical scriptures.

Lamentations 5:1 Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach.
[2] Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens.
[3] We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows.
[4] We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us.
[5] Our necks are under persecution: we labour, and have no rest.
[12] Princes are hanged up by their hand: the faces of elders were not honoured.
[13] They took the young men to grind, and the children fell under the wood.
[14] The elders have ceased from the gate, the young men from their musick.
[15] The joy of our heart is ceased; our dance is turned into mourning.

So now we can distinguish between who’s who in Israel. The so called Indians that pre date the coming of Columbus are of the 10 tribes of the nation of Israel. Their inheritance was the Americas which was stolen from them and they suffered over 200 million Indians being slaughtered and enslaved.


Nov 25, 2014
The native Americans are embracing their heritage as I type... there are groups in Brazil who have not changed one bit... They even know what tribes they come from to this very day; they were never disconnected... Even the five civilized tribes go by the names their ancestors did before Europeans arrived; although it's translated into english....

I said yokes of iron, like the yoke of iron they literally put on black slave's necks... that seldom, if ever, happened to native americans....

They are not called by bywords; a byword is a negative, insulting, name placed on a group of people. A native American is simply a native American anywhere outside of the americas... They aren't referred to negatively by other nations.... blacks are.... hell black people are even called bywords by native americans and non-black latinos...
The people who largely speak Spanish, have Spanish names and practice catholicism due to conquest are mixed raced people who didn't even exist 700 years ago...

Now... When I said mixed race, I mean the people from south america, the caribbean and central america, who are neither black, white or indigenous... but are truly mixed; a mix of .. mixed people truly don't have a culture or heritage but practice the ways of the land... This is what's confusing you! Those mixed race latinos are the offspring of European men... of course they're going to be similar to what their fathers are

This dude said that the the native Americans in Brazil didn't get conquered by the conquistadors and they lived happily ever after while the conquistadors took everything from them :russ:

Then this dumbass said that Mexicans are the offsprings of white spaniards. So every male Indian from North America to South America was killed off. Every last one and then the male spaniards came and slept with every native woman hence creating more spaniards. Give me a link to the comic book you read that from :lolbron:
You don't even know basic world history but got the nerve to say who isn't a Israelite. You didn't even know the natives was shipped sold into slavery. From North America to South Americs you said every male native was wiped out and all the male Spaniards started sleep with every woman left behind. This is the thoughts of a idiot that didn't open a textbook in his life. They are called by words. Mexican , Latin, Spanish etc
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The Coli
Apr 1, 2013
Ecclesiastes 10:7; This is referring to honor... Not a literal vision of a statue; although the duality is there, that's leaning towards heathens in a higher position than israel....

2 Esdras; The old testament doesn't support the writings in the apocrypha.... if it isn't inspired by God, it is thrown out....

Hosea 11:10; This is all of israel! Just go to Hosea 11:12... not to mention that Hosea 11:11 says they'll come trembling from Egypt and Assyria... who would be in the west? The house of judah... Why? Because only judah was spread to the 4 corners of the earth... The other 10 tribes are still where the bible says they are! Isaiah 11:10-16....

Lamentations 5; The Seige of Jerusalem...

Dueteronomy 33:17; You used that out of context... Thats referencing the blessings of 2 tribes out of 12.... The other 8 tribes weren't mentioned going to the ends of the earth...

Nothing you posted is confirmed by scripture. You are following the doctrines of men.... not our God.... The Bible does not support the 10 tribes going to the americas.... Period!

......the apocrypha does support what you are saying, but the apocrypha also supports magic; salvation coming from your own works and makes chronological errors.... but if you're content with believing lies, then that's on you....
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The Coli
Apr 1, 2013
This dude said that the the native Americans in Brazil didn't get conquered

The indigenous people who aren't mixed, black, white or east asian, are in the forests still practicing what their forefathers practiced... they got conquered but they weren't disconnected from their heritage.... just like the five civilized tribes... they may speak their conquerors language and even engage in their society but they still know where they came from...

You guys say Dominicans are israel... the only dominicans that are israelites are the black ones! What i"m saying is israel is a black people.. not asian, not white, not mixed, but black!... and the bible backs this line of thought up...

Oh and one more thing, how did the ten tribes change color?...... I'm being facetious, because genetically those native americans have nothing in common with african americans... thus nothing in common with israel...


The Coli
Apr 1, 2013
The native american/Indians were black people

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No, they were a dark skin people... like indians... hence why they were called indians.... Once upon a time, every person on earth had brown (golden to chocolate) toned skin....