It has to be more than $4K in taxes. Literally everything up here is taxed to death. The US has a much stronger economy and is much better to businesses. Canada is just one giant socialist shythole right now. We make less money but pay more for everything. So $15K sounds like a lot, right? But what if I told you, as a professional you'll make double the money, have half the costs (ie: house in Houston is like $400K. The equivalent in a major city is a 2 bed condo. And of course...any costs (roceries, clothes, etc have a 13-15% sales tax slapped on it. So what I'm trying to say is "free" healthcare aint free. You're paying through the nose for it.
Also forgot to mention that 6,000,000 Canadians don't have a family doctor. We have a shortage of nurses. The quality of medical care has declined rapidly. Takes years to schedule appointments with specialists. If you go to emerge, you're going to be there all day. We brougth in too many people and they have completely depleted our services. My US colleagues are getting major surgeries in days. Unheard of in Canada. The other day a guy in Quebec was complaining about chest pain. He sat in emerge for 6 -7 hours. He got frustrated and went home. He died the next day (aortic dissection). His life could have easily been saved.