Student loan debt isn’t an issue for me cause I’m in rotc and got the scholarship. For me it came down to transferring to uncg or A&T and I said fukk it and chose A&T just for the experience. I feel like that will be the only time in my life I will have the chance to be surrounded by mainly black excellence (students and professors) plus honestly the whole A&T experience I think is something that can’t be replicated at any other university; white or black. I went to a&ts homecoming this year and shyt had me
and the whole weekend I was like
I don’t necessarily think PWIS are bad to go to either. I just think you gotta be a certain type of “brotha” to thrive and be truly happy in this environment...and I am not that type of brother.
about a month into this semester I was like “fukk this shyt and these cacs”
and decided I was transferring. Honestly if I hadn’t already of taken a gap year I would of dropped out of this bytch too
Didn’t know you had went to NC state though, why didn’t you like it?