"Yooo yall buggin man... my cousin live right up the blo- YOOOO MY COUSIN LIVE RIGHT OVER THERE

shyt is the worst! I walked with a girl, gunless and clueless through the bricks (back when the university homes still existed) (
my bytch ass laughed when they made a dude walk home naked some weeks before).
She said “hol on” and walked over to a dice game to say hello to her kin. My dumbass stood there admiring the depressing ass architecture and size of the big ass project rats and some dude ran up on me from the building cuts like “Aye why you here, shawty? Who you wit? Why you here for?”
Me: “I’m with ****, she right over there”
him: Who?!?!
Me: “****! She over there! I came with her!”
him: “so why is you here, shawty?!”
me internally: this b*tch set me
UP! I’m not goin home naked! NOoohohoHOHohooo I’m finna

Him: *silence*
Me trying to keep cool but

on the inside: “I’m here for ****, you good”
me internally: why won’t this gangly bytch look over here?!
Her: “oh he with me! He straight!”
Dude walks away like:
me internally:

My bytch ass near fainted from the possible armed gaffling and still laughed when my cousin’s friend got robbed multiple time visiting one girl from the former Capitol homes