last king killing ****
Naah I'm just a fool and want to make things harder for myself as far as dieting goes. I'm tryna average 1700 daily, and had a couple 2400+ days, so I had to make up for it by going low a few days. Doing a better job this week of staying <=2000 on my higher cal days.
I've read that you want a minimum of 0.4g per lb of LBM for fat, and I'm def getting enough of it. As long as you're over that, you should feel fine. No negative effects for me. The carbs have a lot of impact on me tho. If I don't get 100+ for a couple of days in a row, I'll feel like trash.
and I'm currently on liftrunbang programming right now. Dude is great friends with Wendler and they do a lot of similar stuff. Goin back on 5/3/1 later for sure tho.
im at around 1700cals a day too, but i had 2700 today