Not true and the reviews for the car say otherwise. I knew people who bought Rovers brand new and a week later electric issues!
here is the thing...and I have owned some close to new...its not about the breakdowns...a lot of vehicles have breakdowns, its about the causes of the breakdowns. its usually something defective.
my brother had a couple of Discovery's. a few years had a manifold problem. when it would get to a certain amount of miles, them shyts would crack. and it was ONLY the passenger side! thats a bad design. electrical issues.
the window regulators were bad design for a few years.
say they would have a specific issues with a certain year range...they would fix those issues in later models but then they would have different set of issues with those.
cat conv had issues, cooling system had issues, seal in sunroof wear out, my brother in law had one where the ignition stopped working out of the blue, not the starter but ignition system. cant remember what the cause of it was...had something to do with security.
if you buy one brand new, of course it will last you about 60k before you had issues. my first one started giving me electrical issues around 60k. had a lot of issues here and there until it got around 140k then you really start talkin bout some shyt going wrong.