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cac shows, lets be real
Aint NOBODY in the hood like, did you see king of the hill?
Aint NOBODY in the hood like, did you see king of the hill?
These the only two I can remember besides background characters.
KotH is one of the best shows breh. It really is. Dont sleep.
Bernie Mac voiced the repair man in Racist Dog who Hanks dog ladybird attacks.
I remember the episode when Hank's dog (Ladybird) attacked the breh who was a MAILMAN. ''Racist Dog'' was the episode if I recall correctly. I guess he was probably the one black character who was more than a background one.
And John Redcorn was a honorary nikka anyway
The way he maintained a roster in Arlen was
Kahn was so annoying. Typical loudmouthed Asian.
Mike Judge, the creator of both shows also made Idiocracy. It was a funny movie, but I couldn’t help but notice that the future is full of idiotic black and mixed people with stupid names. Also before we had a black president, the black president in the movie was a violent, muscular stereotype. Maybe dude is a racist? He clowns everyone though. I can’t call it.
It had Terry Crews, Maya Rudolph(?) and Scarface as Upgrayyedd.I generally don't see enough black people in any of Mike Judge's work to really develop an opinion on that angle. I saw Idiocracy and only remember Terry Crews as the only black person in it. Generally I give a pass on Beavis and Butthead because the whole show is stupid and meant to be that way but that's why I find it hilarious