Have y’all ever met anyone that was into black magic? Or Wiccan stuff?

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
The real reason why demons are attracted to females is because our nature mimics the divine at its most visceral level and purest form.
Evil as an entity has been trying to get rid of and warp feminine energy since before man could remember light. It threatens its essence at its very core b/c feminine energy is about balance and restoration.

It’s almost audicious in its power, uncaring of the dangers...it’s the characteristic of God that permeates and destroys all boundaries. The playful paradoxical nature.
Females are always attacked first, always raped and degraded and always tempted b/c our ability to walk between absolutes literally threatens demonic energy and it’s ability to maintain its form.

Imagine a blk dot being dropped onto a crisp sheet of white paper. Evil thinks it’s doing something when it invades space like that.

But now imagine that blk dot who thought it was powerful being taken to the edge of a black hole unable to escape the gravitational pull of the Yoni.
Demons fear this and inspire fear and hatred in men of it as well. A lot of women haters are actually demon-worshipers. It goes hand in hand. The feminine divine is a very ancient aspect of God that most never learn about but is a primary target for evil entities.

But that’s something ya’ll not ready to hear about yet.
The Godhead literally rests in it and is it.
A lot of religions have been warped by demonic influences which is why u see them being so misogynistic too.

Older cultures literally lost to history that became myths knew all of this but it’s lost knowledge now, stored in private collections of very, very rich and powerful people.

I will say this because I like you..I've seen your face and I have seen your eyes, I felt nothing guarding you. I truly hope you'll do more research in regards to this because this pattern of thought is dangerous for you to have going forward.


Feb 12, 2015
I will say this because I like you..I've seen your face and I have seen your eyes, I felt nothing guarding you. I truly hope you'll do more research in regards to this because this pattern of thought is dangerous for you to have going forward.
God is protecting me. We talk daily and his/her/it’s grace surrounds me and has shielded me from legit madness due to exposure to some very heavy insights. I’ve been on a spiritual path for a very long time. Called by divine into deep meditation. I’ve had a lot of very cool revelations from it. To be honest it’s not the demons outside that give me pause. There is a void deep and vast that make even the unnamed tremble. The outsiders are distractions. I don’t want their power. From what I’ve seen, they can’t compare. I’m pushing farther beyond that. No exchanges of the soul for mere trifles of power. Trying to go further. Four stentorians stand watch with wings bound in chains. Mouths bound and eyes covered. That was the word whispered to me. But they aren’t guardians. They are manifestations. If people would stop being distracted we could remember our true selves...

Personally, I’m trying to release those stentorians b/c I’ve realized that I’m the one keeping them in captivity. I’m also the one who nourishes any other entities I encounter and is responsible for what they become while near me. Do I feed them fear? Lust? Greed? Arrogance? They feed off of us. But something tells me u know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s a ministry. When u turn ur focus to that source, that void or as C.S.Lewis describes it...that hideous strength, all kinds of entities that are both good and bad according to what we consider with our simplistic understanding. I’m working on offering compassion in passing to the malevolent ones and thanks to the ones who seek to guide. But both can be distractions.

All of my actions are towards seeking the divine...
An extinction of the veil. Tearing down the distance between the transcendent and here. The insights I’ve obtained have been worth the attacks. But I haven’t been alone in this. Thankfully...b/c some revelations have been so overwhelming to the point of madness.

I recommend seeking guidance to anybody on this path b/c the closer I get, the crazier things become. I also recommend periods of fasting to strengthen the will which is what I’m currently doing now. I need a stronger resolve before I go any further or I will not make it and I’m at a place in my journey where it’s do or die.


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
Yes. Cacs that worked with me. Also skimmed through this wiccan calendar while doing community service at goodwill. Most of the holidays folks celebrate have wiccan origins. Wiccans low key be laughing at non wiccans because they are practicing their religion without even knowing it.

Considering Wicca was founded in 1954 I don't think any of our holidays originated there. They have pagan origins because in an effort to convert pagans to Catholicism the Catholic church just celebrated the already established pagan celebrations and changed up the names and origin stories to make them their own.


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
God is protecting me. We talk daily and his/her/it’s grace surrounds me and has shielded me from legit madness due to exposure to some very heavy insights. I’ve been on a spiritual path for a very long time. Called by divine into deep meditation. I’ve had a lot of very cool revelations from it. To be honest it’s not the demons outside that give me pause. There is a void deep and vast that make even the unnamed tremble. The outsiders are distractions. I don’t want their power. From what I’ve seen, they can’t compare. I’m pushing farther beyond that. No exchanges of the soul for mere trifles of power. Trying to go further. Four stentorians stand watch with wings bound in chains. Mouths bound and eyes covered. That was the word whispered to me. But they aren’t guardians. They are manifestations. If people would stop being distracted we could remember our true selves...

Personally, I’m trying to release those stentorians b/c I’ve realized that I’m the one keeping them in captivity. I’m also the one who nourishes any other entities I encounter and is responsible for what they become while near me. Do I feed them fear? Lust? Greed? Arrogance? They feed off of us. But something tells me u know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s a ministry. When u turn ur focus to that source, that void or as C.S.Lewis describes it...that hideous strength, all kinds of entities that are both good and bad according to what we consider with our simplistic understanding. I’m working on offering compassion in passing to the malevolent ones and thanks to the ones who seek to guide. But both can be distractions.

All of my actions are towards seeking the divine...
An extinction of the veil. Tearing down the distance between the transcendent and here. The insights I’ve obtained have been worth the attacks. But I haven’t been alone in this. Thankfully...b/c some revelations have been so overwhelming to the point of madness.

I recommend seeking guidance to anybody on this path b/c the closer I get, the crazier things become. I also recommend periods of fasting to strengthen the will which is what I’m currently doing now. I need a stronger resolve before I go any further or I will not make it and I’m at a place in my journey where it’s do or die.

You do realize that there is no way of knowing whether any so called insights you receive while deep in meditation are in fact insights or just merely delusions. Incredibly dangerous delusions and you are going into a dreamlike state, alpha brainwaves and all, and convincing yourself they are real. Be careful.


Nov 25, 2014
Considering Wicca was founded in 1954 I don't think any of our holidays originated there. They have pagan origins because in an effort to convert pagans to Catholicism the Catholic church just celebrated the already established pagan celebrations and changed up the names and origin stories to make them their own.
Their practices and beliefs didnt originate in 1954. Its just old occultism rebranded into another name


All Star
Oct 16, 2012
Their practices and beliefs didnt originate in 1954. Its just old occultism rebranded into another name

Yes but it wasn't a religion until the 50s and our holidays existed long before, so our holidays didn't come from them, they came from paganism which is also very much related to the occult.


Nov 19, 2016
Naija / DMV
Of course, i'm from Nigeria :dead:

Nigeria is the birthplace of a lot of the new world offshoots

Candomble, Voudon, Ifa, Santeria, etc

I know a lot more chicks getting into this stuff as they're rejecting Christianity and trying to get with their "ancestors"

Again, people are out here trying to play with fire.


Jun 22, 2012
In the sky
  • You must not practice magic.”—Leviticus 19:26.

  • “As for a man or woman in whom there proves to be a mediumistic spirit or spirit of prediction, they should be put to death without fail.”—Leviticus 20:27.

  • “There should not be found in you . . . a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium.”—Deuteronomy 18:10-14.
    You have been warned by
  • God himself..... Any who deal with that mess and associate with rebel angels will deal with eternal consequences.
Whats funny is I view that as scripture left by the Egyptians as a warning against the Hebrews-Persians. It is the hebrews and persians who practiced dream interpretation and soothsaying. And it is they would profess their belief in prophecy and priests who decipher dreams and visions as harbingers of future events. What was Joseph's gift?

In fact an entire section of their religious doctrine is devoted to Prophets and prophecy and is called the Nevi'im.
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Feb 12, 2015
You do realize that there is no way of knowing whether any so called insights you receive while deep in meditation are in fact insights or just merely delusions. Incredibly dangerous delusions and you are going into a dreamlike state, alpha brainwaves and all, and convincing yourself they are real. Be careful.
Thank you for ur caution. I’m very careful. In fact most insights are actually after meditation. I would suggest that people write down and think on things they see during altered states and in dreams. And different traditions have ways to tether or anchor people to keep them from losing themselves or their hold on reality.

People need to test the spirits as well as the path they take. There are several ways to do this. I was taught to test them by the sacrifice they require of you. Any requiring ur blood or the blood of another, ur soul or that of another isn’t to be trusted.

They are almost spiritual hustlers. They won’t tell you the supreme value of ur soul. Instead they will distract u with the promise of power.
I’ve said this before on this site, but it’s worth repeating. If an entity that literally has the power to give u desires...wants YOUR soul, how much is it worth? And I’m talking about some powerful entities.

Some paths require nothing of you except work that edifies you. These paths don’t want ur soul b/c of the Truth they already dwell in. These paths seek to help shorten the distance between what we are and what we will become. There are no bargains. No shortcuts. No seductive promises. No spiritual steroids lol! Just time, hard work, clearing away harmful obstacles.

But u will gain power. However even as u do, even that is a distraction and if u stop to be caught up in the powers u start getting, that’s just as bad as bargaining with a demonic entity. The point of these paths isn’t power. That’s what a lot of people don’t realize.


Feb 12, 2015
As for dealing with blk magic, that’s never been my path. I’ve done research and I’ve had a teacher who has been my guide.
He’s being attacked now b/c of how far he has come on his journey to God. I pray for him everyday, and it’s hard b/c despair is a spirit too. It’s hard to offer hope to the spirits u attract during hard times. You have to acknowledge ur feelings as valid and valuable. And then u have to move past them and not allow them to consume u or feed off of u.

Have any of you had any revelations?

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
@alexander., are you a believer in God and have repented or is that something that doesn't appeal to you?

I have always believed that the Most High existed because I acknowledged the existence and power of Lucifer in the beginning. You cannot accept one without acknowledging the other because one can't recognize evil without knowing there is good and vice versa. People have their doubts regarding me and if any of this is real but I still have too many spirits on me, both negative and positive on me..those spirits will testify, they will weigh on you, it's like when you walk into a pitch black room and you feel your hairs begin to stand on edge because you feel something foreboding but you don't know where the danger lies. A computer and some wires are not a protective medium.

My journey is far from over, I should be dead to be honest..from talking too much and my back and forth with certain folks within ranks. Like I said, I've been taking countless losses over the past year and I'm still alive so I'm seeing where my disillusionment will take me.