nothing from nothing cant bring something, thats maths 101.
to ask any object the question "why" will lead past the almighty God. that potent question "why" from eating to filling up your car to slapping a bro, whether in court or on the field. if you keep pulling at "why" you will surpass the creation of God.
so chill, and what i really wanted to say since the jewels in here are so juicy.
Is that God(Allah) doesnt give a damn about your apologies, apologize to who you did wrong thats how God(Allah) blesses his children. Thats in the islamic scriptures i think thats a jewel most athiest run from. hate God so much so they dont get married or have children but are the animal activist of the year.
like i said to proclaim you're an athiest is just telling people you are almighty wise and really wicked, believe what you want but to shyt on peoples faith over 1000s of years because your pea sized brain thought you could articulate what cant be described and requires faith is just you being stupid.
quote the bible, even children know they are folklore stories. its only been a trend of the lat 15 years to boldy start telling people there is no god, no life after death, im athiest, etc like their idol ricky gervais who didnt marry, didnt have kids, says he hates people but is animal activist of the year, peta bluffers.
"Allah doesnt give a damn about your apology, apologize to the one you have wronged".