Yeah in Revenge of the Sith Anakin took the biggest movie L in cinema history
I felt sorry for Anakin the whole movie
always felt Obi-Wan Kenobi should've waited when he snuck on Padme's ship at the end cuz Anakin didn't snap till he saw Obi-Wan, then Force choked Padme
He should've waited till they were done talking to see if Anakin could be reached
Also just watched Basic Instict and Michael Douglas was the biggest movie SIMP in movie history, that whole movie was one big L, it's on Netflix now for those who've never seen it
I felt sorry for Anakin the whole movie
always felt Obi-Wan Kenobi should've waited when he snuck on Padme's ship at the end cuz Anakin didn't snap till he saw Obi-Wan, then Force choked Padme
He should've waited till they were done talking to see if Anakin could be reached
Also just watched Basic Instict and Michael Douglas was the biggest movie SIMP in movie history, that whole movie was one big L, it's on Netflix now for those who've never seen it