I think these adults are very aware. They are telling these kids truth. Like look, i know you speak demonic filth when you're in front of your friends then come to bible camp like o praise jesus but stop that, its sickening to friends. They know they out looking at demons like Harry Potter as idols but no, harry potter is a demon who shouldnt be idolized. Now, ask for forgiveness for what you did and lets start over again. These kids are crying because they know they've been bad and been a dissapointmen to God so its obvious they need this form of discipline. They're being broken down from the weight of their own sins on their minds but wow, look how happy they are knowing all is forgiven. Then they go back home to be productive non-demonic members of society. Meanwhile you, one of their foul mouth peers, is trying to get innocents to play Dr. and other filth like that. Please just stop. You expose yourself as too entrenched in the demonic realm and thats so demonic, friend.
if youre going to call 6 and 7 year olds demonic i really dont know what to say. more trash posting and trolling i guess. if you would feel comfortable dropping your kid off at this camp i feel sorry for your kid and i wouldnt say something like that lightly