One of the few men that Andre the Giant even feared (the other two being Haku and probably Bad News Brown).
He also was one of the few who gave Owen Hart a clapback after Owen pulled a rib on him. In 1998, the WWF was in town and they had a tradition of always going to Harley's where they would cook out, kick back, and chill. Harley made some of his famous chili which Owen then spiked with some of the hottest tabasco sauce in the country. Wrestlers got sick all night. The next night at RAW, Harley caught Owen backstage, walked up behind him, and zapped Owen with a 250,000 volt stop gun (no homo) while he wasn't looking. "That's for my spiking my chili, you little shyt.

I wonder if that story about him pulling a gun on Hogan was true or not.