Tres Leches
Empire Business
The real headliners 
YES YES YES :harlemheattheme:

YES YES YES :harlemheattheme:

I was going to make a post about them going in before the Steiners. Not mad at it all, but the Steiners definitely are due.Next up...
don't do this.Ahmed Johnson going to get that HOF ring as a member of Harlem Heat
Steiner Bros should go in but everybody is scared of Scott. A bunch of grown men at that.
I always immediately name Booker T when people do the name your top 5 lists. He pretty much excelled at everything thrown at him. Even King Booker was like the GOAT king-gimmick, and Booker's Main Event Mafia accent was good fukkery.Booker T- Rare black wrestler that wasnt boring to me
scott steiner is the reason the steiners aren't in yet. the midnight express should be in too.
with that lawsuit done, demolition should be in