Was playing this earlier with a friend and i must say
Controls are crisp...
Guns have actual recoil

can't just spam fire battle rifles and dmr's
We never waited longer than 2 minutes for a match and we played 10

Much as I was bashing this game...I...might cop it this weekend
Strictly for MP though I don't give a shyt about single player...I think the last single player halo game i finished was halo 3...
That real recoil is what got me hooked on it

...Murked so many dudes spam shooting the dmr and battle rifle and they only got one head shot in as I hawk them down like

And man oh man I hope they cut a check to titanfall...straight ripped off a lot of the mechanics and the gameplay with that warzone stuff...
Matter fact...titanfall wasn't really that bad
Weapon priority seems to be less of an issue to...need to play more to see if it is gone completely but it doesn't seem nearly as bad as other halo games