Halo 5: Guardians [Official Thread]

Sly Cookin

May 20, 2012
I went digital. Been playing since 12:01am, played like 10 matches. Online multiplayer has been fun, but I don't want to rank up too fast:lupe:

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
:damn: Im at around 486mbs per sec,I been playing last hour
I need to try to get a new internet package. My brother is constantly turning the wifi off on his phone so he can actually broke the web or use his apps. He can't watch Netflix in his room. shyt crashes at 25% when trying to start a movie or show

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Halo 5: Guardians review - Reliable multiplayer saves Master Chief's latest campaign from being total washout


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A game of two halves, Spartan Locke and Master Chief's feud falls flat in the lackluster campaign, but Halo's multiplayer still has that magic.

Halo 5: Guardians is the year's biggest exclusive, and a lot of pressure is on 343 Industries for its second full title in the series to perform.

After playing through the campaign and taking in a ton of what the game has to offer in multiplayer, we decided it only fitting to cover both aspects ofGuardians separately. Both are big, both matter to the experience, but both are very different animals. Read on to find out why...


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Halo 5 Guardians campaign: Where did our Master Chief go?

Halo 5: Guardians takes a step back to the Halo 2template of giving you control of two different characters (or squads, in this case), alternating between Master Chief's Blue Team and Spartan Locke's Fireteam Osiris as you progress. This offers different perspectives on the narrative and - in theory - a more gripping storyline.

And it might have done, were it not for the fact that 80% of the game is from the perspective of Spartan Locke's Fireteam Osiris, leaving Master Chief and his Blue Team largely ignored throughout. It's a bit of a dodgy one, to market a game so heavily on finding out truths and secrets about Chief and his team, only to get control of them just three times in the game's 15 levels.


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Halo 5 is something of a masterclass in showing your currently controlled squad doing super-cool, heroic stuff and not actually allowing you to do the same. From the intro to the game you get the idea: in cutscenes your team can slide down hills, blasting, flipping and engaging in melee combat with all manner of enemies on the way. Once you're in control, you... can't do any of that.

Despite the addition of iron sights aiming, Halo 5does still follow the basic first-person shooter formula used with the previous games in the series. Run, shoot, hide to recharge shields, find some discarded weapons to procure, nick a vehicle, move on to the next checkpoint. It's a solid formula that still works, generally, and Halo 5 isn't without its appeal in this regard.

Underneath the surface of Halo 5: Guardians' problems is a good game desperate to get out. It features solid, if unspectacular mechanics - like weapons that are generally fun, but often uninteresting, and enemies that are sometimes great (Prometheans) and often terrible (most of the Covenant).
What it boils down to in Halo 5: Guardians, though, is a series of corridors leading to an arena-like area, littered with spare weapons and areas of cover. In said arena you and your three team mates (who can be controlled by other people) get into a bit of a free-for-all against whatever enemies are thrown your way, making the most of the large environments to tackle the challenge as in a tactical, smart way.

At least that's the marketing pitch. When you actually play the game, with the borderline-incompetent AI controlling your teammates and on default difficulty, this pattern soon becomes a slog. Your team doesn't operate as one, and even chooses to ignore orders you send to them when you're trying to make them do something useful for once, limiting tactical potential and reducing every encounter to a straightforward shootout.


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When you play with others, though - and ramp the difficulty up - you get a much more challenging, and interesting game. While it is easily the better option of the two ways to play, it does feel somewhat artificial - and this is for both single and multiplayer - when you have to whack the difficulty up a few notches for it to become much fun. And even on those harder levels we saw many enemies standing out in the open, forgetting to move to cover and thus making themselves boring, obvious targets.

That poor intelligence on the computer-controlled characters' part bleeds into every element - enemies in combat not using cover, enemies out of combat ignoring your presence and walking into walls, friendlies in or out of combat being thoroughly useless - it all adds up and ends up frustrating.

It's also rather repetitive an experience. With almost every encounter following the pattern laid out above, it becomes difficult to really get excited by what's going on - and when you have to, say, face the same boss character in eight different incarnations (that literally happens), it becomes even harder to maintain enthusiasm.


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And that's all a shame, because underneath the surface of Halo 5: Guardians' problems is a good game desperate to get out. It features solid, if unspectacular mechanics - like weapons that are generally fun, but often uninteresting, and enemies that are sometimes great (Prometheans) and often terrible (most of the Covenant).

It continues to tear you both ways with elements like how the game looks - gorgeous at times, with some high quality cutscenes, but also lacking in variety for the most part and generally settling on a blue/grey palette that soon becomes extraordinarily dull on the eye.

The simple fact is if you're buying Halo 5 for its campaign mode alone, you're going to need to be a super-fan, or you're going to need a dedicated group of three other friends to play through the whole thing together. If you meet that criteria, and have the patience to play on a higher difficulty, you'll have a good time.

Halo 5 multiplayer: Warzone is Master Chief's saviour

This is more difficult to be certain about, because we've only been able to play Halo 5's multiplayer in certain pre-release circumstances. As such, everything needs to be taken with a pinch of salt - when it's out in the wild, all manner of things could go wrong.

With that caveat in mind: Halo 5 features a solid, entertaining and engaging multiplayer mode.


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Breakout, the new mini-team deathmatch/capture the flag, sees two teams of five facing off in compact arenas, with each player only having one life. It's fast-paced and more tactical than you might initially give it credit for, with players opting to preserve their own life rather than wildly running around bunny-hopping everywhere and getting blasted by rocket launchers.

All the classic modes - slayer, capture the flag et al - are present and accounted for and all are a laugh. Map design feels solid, with a nice mix of big open spaces, verticality, cubby holes for snipers, ways around the back of said cubby holes so you can clobber snipers and alternate routes to objectives, whatever they may be.

We, however, found Halo 5's Warzone to be the most interesting thing to play online. Two teams of 12 battling on huge maps, trying to be the first to reach 1,000 points - it's a simple setup. The things that complicate, making things more fun, come in the shape of bases to capture (get all three on the map and the enemy's core is vulnerable, meaning a match can be ended early if it is destroyed), randomised AI-controlled enemy spawns and the ability to requisition new equipment as you progress.


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This latter point is supported by Halo 5's microtransaction system - REQ packs. You can earn them in-game simply by playing through Warzone matches and earning credits with which to purchase packs, or you can use the quicker option of just buying them for a few pounds/dollars.

What it means for the game itself is, thankfully, limited just to Warzone mode - REQ packs don't take over the whole multiplayer experience. But they do allow you to customise your Spartan with armor and weapon mods, as well as providing access to weapons and vehicles in-match, once you've levelled up your REQ points enough.

Whether you team with friends and ramp the difficulty up, or get stuck into some 12 on 12 Warzone action, multiplayer stops Halo 5: Guardians from being a total washout.
Warzone is sure to be one of the most-played parts of Halo 5 online and it's clear a lot of work and balancing has gone into making it fun, appealing and the kind of thing you will want to play over and over again.

In fact, that's how Halo 5's multiplayer feels in general. It certainly doesn't feel new or essential, but it hits all the right notes and offers enough of an open playground that you can just get a bunch of friends together and have a good time.


© Microsoft Games

Halo 5: The verdict

Halo 5: Guardians features an underwhelming, confusing and surprisingly banal campaign that's not actively bad, but equally not quite good enough to warrant a purchase on its own.

Fortunately, Master Chief's adventure doesn't end here, and whether you team with friends and ramp the difficulty up, or get stuck into some 12 on 12 Warzone action, the extensive multiplayer offerings ensure Halo 5: Guardians isn't a total washout.


Platforms Available On: Xbox One (Reviewed)
Developer: 343 Industries
Publisher: Microsoft
Genre: First-person shooter
Release Date: October 27 (worldwide)

earl n water

Southern Hustle
May 2, 2012
stuck at work :sadcam: UPS got the rock, but talkin' bout delivery by 8P :usure:
rerouted it to the office :skip:

@AkaDemiK I got the disc also. I read in a Twitch chat that there is also a second 9GB update? Confirmed?