Mike losing to an idiot journeyman edgelord boxer with slightly below average boxing skills, who couldn't muster wins when facing actual boxers, who while they weren't professional, were still proficient enough to cancel anything whichever one of these idiots is doing the boxing with Mike STILL being touted as dangerous enough to the point where no average man SHOULD want it with him....won't Tarnish whatever love affair society still has with him, seeing as to how he's still capable of being proficient enough to still be a danger?
C'mon breh. Don't do that. Mike could win a Billion dollars from this shyt, but if he gets put on the canvas by this clown it's a hit to damn near all the progress he's made "Growing" as an individual and becoming a heralded public figure again. There's a reason this Paul cat goes against over the hill boxers with money issues.
This will more than likely be a Draw with rules similar to the Jones fight, but if Mike gets knocked out...BY THIS CAT...it's an L. A sizeable one.