Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets.They Want the Western-imposed government out of

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
June 26, 2019

Arrogance, insolence, vagrancy, malfeasance

Jovenel surrounded by members of the zobop OAS mission in Haiti. From left to right: Gonzalo Koncke, Chief of Staff to OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro, US Ambassador to the OAS Permanent Council Carlos Trujillo, Jovenel Moise and Haitian Minister of Foreign Affairs Bocchit Edmond

It is several months since the Haitian masses flouted, revolted, express their dissatisfaction, their fed up and even their anger by realizing how the authorities of both the executive and the legislature grant only disdain accompanied by repression to their just claims. This was particularly evident during the riots of July 6, 7 and 8, 2018, which were almost insurrectional. These had erupted in several cities of the country, following the decision of the government MOÏSE / LAFONTANT, to increase very substantially the prices of petroleum products.

The rejection of Jovenel, his two prime ministers and his cabinet, all perceived as incapable and corrupted deaf to the chloroxing misery of the masses, was total, uniting all social strata, except of course the microminority PHTKist. Besieged on all sides, no longer governing, all sectors refusing to sit down with him, Jovenel the incompetent, Jovenel the rejected (by the nation), Jovenel the wretch is vilely handed over to the OAS.


This institution called " Ministry of Colonies of States - States" then quickly commissioned the country a delegation led by US Ambassador to their "ministry", Carlos Trujillo, the one who chairs the Permanent Council of the hemispheric organization. The OAS chanpwel visit was formally and ignominiously solicited by the resigning Haitian Foreign Ministry official, Bocchit Edmond, in a letter dated June 14, 2019, addressed to Trujillo. This solicitation in itself is already evidence of crouching status from the minister "Boulshyt", from a preference to be pushed indignantly flattened before the valets of imperialism.

It is the very nature of these restavèk , these underpinnings to call on the lackeys of the master of their tail , either to settle a domestic dispute between nationals, or to give a cover of legitimacy (sic), even of morality ( resic) to their dezòd , to their simagrées, to their impostures, to their political malpwòprete . Note, for example, the electoral fraud of November 28, 2011. Indeed, the CEP Pierre-Louis Opont had accepted, for the benefit of Martelly, the recount of votes by an OAS delegation.


Sir Ronald Sanders, Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda to Washington and the Organization of American States. He is undoubtedly bald, but he does not give piyay to the imperialist-neocolonialist hairdresser.

It had gwoponyettement modified the percentage of the votes initially granted to the candidates Mirlande Manigat (31.37%), Jude Célestin (21.48%) and Michel Joseph Martelly (21.84%), fraudulently passing them to 22.2% for Martelly, 21.9% for Célestin and 31.6% for Ms. Manigat. This fraudulent scam then put Celestin in third place, eliminating him de facto from a second round. We know the end of the dirt covered by fèzèz the rizèz , the odasyèz, the magouyèz the malfektèz Hillary Clinton.

We say that there has been arrogance, arrogance, impudence on the part of this delegation infamous " Ministry of Colonies of the United - States" . Indeed, according to Sir Ronald Sanders, Ambassador of Antigua and Barbuda in Washington and the Organization of American States (OAS), she traveled to troubled Haiti, "without any [regulatory] discussion". no mandate from the Permanent Council, the body responsible for policy development and control between General Assemblies ". Is this not the most obvious proof of magouillance , the effrontance , the non-gênance , the non-wontanceof the insolence of these fifes, underlings, and soufri, who are handsomely paid for their feeble sous-fritude ? But that's not all, there is even more and mwens. Sir Sanders continued the moral disrepair of Trujillo and Almagro in the following terms: "instead of taking action under the authority of the Permanent Council, after deliberation and decision, the visit of a delegation to Haiti seems to have taken place between United States Ambassador Carlos Trujillo and Secretary-General Luis Almagro in response to a letter of invitation from the Government of Haiti, which, in a very unusual way, has not been circulated to Member States OEA, as is the norm. The Haitian letter dated June 14, according to the Miami Herald newspaper, has still not been distributed to the members of the OAS states until the date of writing this article [June 21]. Vagrancy, the vagabonderie , the vagabontude , altogether.


The moral miserabilism, decay, perversion of the Trujillo and Almagro sold to the perfidies of imperialism is further emphasized when Sir Sanders hastens to add: "It is very unlikely that, having not been discussed, Authorized or mandated the delegation to Haiti and having never read the Haitian letter, the entire Permanent Council of the OAS can accept it, especially since, according to the media, the OAS has been vilified by demonstrators ". Apa li papa ! Is not it him, dad? In other words, it's a fake delegation that came to Haiti.

The OAS probably did not expect this heavy uppercut that Sir Sanders was going to launch on the flank of the band in Trujillo and Almagro, racist, imperialist, alibabaiste , dappiyanpiste , neocolonialist, but here it is: "Haiti has been impoverished and is has been dominated by foreign occupiers for most of its existence since its 1804 revolution to free its people from slavery. Therefore, the mistrust of its citizens vis-à-vis foreign intervention, especially when they consider that the purpose is not in their general interest, is understandable and must always be taken into account. "

And as a peroration to his brave intervention denouncing the carabinous malfeasance of the restavèk Almagro and Trujillo, Sir Sanders let talk about the truth, the good humanist sense, the decency in interpersonal relations: "We have a great debt to the Haitian people for his historic struggle to put an end to slavery in his own country and set the stage for the end of slavery in all the Americas, especially as he continued to pay the price for almost two hundred years. "

In a final and supreme effort to bring the hard-liners of the OAS, the zealous and blind servitors of the Belzébuth washington, to a minimum of humanity, Sir Sanders invites them to "not attack the situation in Haiti in an improvised manner. but using their convening capacity, in association with legitimate representatives of the Haitian community, to bring together the institutions of the international community as part of the implementation of a comprehensive program of reform and transformation of the country in all aspects of the governance of its political, social and economic systems ". Neither sorcerer nor revolutionary. But just a minimum of conviviality between nations, of social justice, of human decency, as it exists in the countries that claim to be democratic.

The height of the insolence of these fanatics is the fact of staying in Haiti only for a few hours, yes, you read well, a few hours, to inquire about the serious multidimensional crisis that shakes the country that can no longer govern Jovenel as it is undesirable and rejected by all sectors of the nation. It clearly seemed that the resolution of the multidimensionality of the political crisis in Haiti did not concern them. They had only come to order: Jovenel is our son of the bytch , our son of a bytch, it's up to you to replace him with elections. Point bar. Do not bar any vakabon ! It is to wonder where were these moralizers, these election officials of the OAS in 2003-2004 ...


The height of arrogance, indecency and malfeasance, according to some media ripped to the madyapottes practices , is that these envoys of absolute evil have come to Haiti at the expense of the public treasury, at the expense of Princess Toutkòm Dous . The Trujillo, the Almagro, the Bolobolo and other kokolo tetes had no shame in letting their guests strip the State coffers already taken by the PHTKists, ministers and parliamentarians together, to cover the cost of their trip. and stay in Haiti, to feast on good meat and good imported wine, even for a few hours. Goinfres! Badly learned!

Finally, one can not help but think that Trujillo, Almagro and their infernal Washington tutors stink racism a hundred leagues round, against the Haitian people. Others have already done so, we will not dwell on the long list of corrupt presidents and former presidents, who, in Latin America, have been duped , jailed, dismissed, extradited, dismissed, to the satisfaction of their fellow citizens. Why should not Jovenel suffer the consequences of his agritrean lootings to the utmost satisfaction of the Haitian people? The firms of the president, Agritrans and Cophener SA, had they not received exorbitant sums for works whose results we do not see until today the results clearly?Kote kòb Petrocaribe a ? Where is the kòb of PetroCaribe?

We affirm that the Haitian people are tragically victims of the harmful fallout of the criminal diversion of PetroCaribe funds, that the thugs of PHTK have done the dirty trick, that the bourgeoisie has certainly allowed to do. We certainly do not want to recommend to President Jovenel that he commit suicide like the former President of Peru, Alan García, when the police came to arrest him for corruption. We do not wish him a hypertensive boost, as was the case for the former Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski just days after his arrest for financial vagrancy .

President Jovenel must remember it: the jug goes to the water so much that it breaks. Yes, she ends up breaking. Both President Jovenel will persist in remaining deaf to the popular anger expressed during continuous demonstrations that these will eventually burst into a great vilbrunguillaumesamante push. And the guard who watches over the barriers of Pilgrim or the ruins of the National Palace might not be able to defend King Point Barre.

I will not say more, Antoine in the Gommiers having asked me to be discreet about it.

Arrogance, insolence, vagabondance, malfaisance | Haiti Liberte

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Lack of Transparency Surrounding Haiti Mining Law Denounced by Collective


The opacity surrounding the drafting of Haiti's mining laws by the Jovenel Moïse administration assisted by the World Bank was criticized on Monday by a coalition of organizations concerned with natural resources and the environment.

The Collective for Mining Justice (Kolektif Jistis Min - KJM) warned the nation that the Jovenel Moïse administration may seek to mortgage Haiti's natural resources to stay in power.

With regard to this threat, it called on civil society organization to reflect on the nation's mines which are a large part of colonialism.

Lack of Transparency Surrounding Haiti Mining Law Denounced by Collective

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Nope he is not related to Jovenel(Moise is just a common Haitian surname) and he's apart of a totally different party called the Platfòm Pitit Desalin which is left-wing. I like Charles Moise because he prefers relations with Venezuela and Russia over the West. And I believe he has visited Russia in terms of Haitian student getting free visas to Russia.

Haiti doesn't need anymore right-wing strongmen who bow down to the West. I'm very surprised the Maduro govt has not propped up Charles Moise.
Yeah, I think Maduro may have some problems of his own right now

@loyola llothta @ZoeGod @mson

I been hoping for a "peoples champ" and been saying that Haiti needs its own "Hugo Chavez" but tbh I dont even know. As for elections? It seems that the protesters just want to oust the corrupt PHTK party and oligarchy. I dont know whats their plan after.

They had Aristide right?

Wasn't he a populist leftist like Chavez that Bushes & Clintons ran out of power for that reason?

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Fuel price spike causes protest in Haiti

Published on Sep 25, 2019
Fuel shortages in Haiti are causing massive protests for the second time this year. Demonstrators are taking to the streets of Port-au-Prince and are demanding that their president step down after shortages caused gas prices to rise and schools and government offices to shut down. RT America’s Ashlee Banks gives us the story.


Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Seriously... I don't care what anyone says. Haitians gotta be the most badass people in the western hemisphere. Something about them. Gotta be that Congolese/Angolan and Fon ancestry especially descending soldiers(not just from the revolution but from Africa too). Because... How can a group of poor people with no firearms but only armed with mere shovels, pitchforks and rocks(which are not even good for close combat. They haven't even used machetes yet which is a Caribbean TRADITION) go up against organized people(trained by Core group) with automatic weapons and receiving heavy causalities. Yet... Not only continue to protest but DISARM the police and strategically shack their police stations making them flee. Sit down and think about that for a moment. :wow: The Hong Kong protesters would be shytting themselves if they were going up against a monster like this.
