Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets.They Want the Western-imposed government out of

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
"Resolution passed today by @UN Security Council states @UN Integrated Office in #Haiti (#BINUH) will help government organize free, fair & transparent elections & strengthen the capacity of the police."

Seem like the UN occupation will never stop. They renamed the " last" one to BINUH
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
June 20, 2019

27 Writers Demand President Jovenel Moise Resignation

In an open letter to the nation, 27 Haitian writers, some of world renown, joined their voices to those demanding the resignation of President Jovenel Moïse.


The literary giants said they could not continue to watch the "degrading spectacle" of the government that "to the world is shameful."

Citizens, Citizens,

We do not agree with the way we are being governed. It is because of this we are all convinced today, this powerful national consensus is a wave that began a few months ago and will not stop. The degrading spectacle that the President of the Republic, the government and the parliamentary majority give to the Nation and to the world is shameful. We are directly moving in the same misroutes of outmoded governments, only concerned about saving its privileges and its ill-gotten booty on the back of the Nation.

We are indignant. But it's a sign that we are alive and pugnacious. This descent into the underworld of the nation is the consequence of a social system based on exclusion and an overflow of inequalities translated into politics by a succession of regimes and authoritarian attempts, far from any principles of equity and of social justice. We do not want this any more.

We salute the courage of the men and women of this country, young people in particular, who refuse to give up by the thousands and fight against the darkness that wants to cover us. And the rebel street, incandescent, unpredictable, sporadically pours its floods of rage and legitimate frustration through the cities. Shouting: "We can not go hungry anymore. We can no longer suffer from the negation of our basic needs while we are stripped.

In the life of each person there come these moments when he must make his story and his destiny. It has come time for change. We join our voices to those who demand the resignation of the President of the Republic. But let us say from the outset, loud and clear, no lasting transformation of our society will be achieved without taking into account the values and principles that alone can ensure the advent of a more just, united and fraternal society.

No democratic construction is possible in Haiti without the reduction of inequalities, without a new ethics and means to support the public service in the enhancement of the common good. Help build this democracy but especially believe that it is a possible construction, this is our fight. For the time being, it is incumbent upon us to make the necessary decisions without wasting any more time, and in the union.

Unity is strength. Let's build that union. Let us take the proposals of our economic and social representatives, religious, community, associative. Let's build a government of national unity. Let's build a priority strategy for the recovery of the rule of law. It's been a long time since we talk about a national conference, a general assembly. But none of this will be possible if there is no trust around the table. Let's have the courage to say aloud where the rub is. Mistrust, jealousies, rivalries, marronnage, material thirs divide us and paralyze us especially. Let's build trust and tolerance to move toward solutions that resemble us and bring us together.

The first act likely to restore confidence is the legitimate holding of the PetroCaribe trial. An essential step in our transformation process. Petrocaribe will be the trial of our pains that we could not evacuate together after January 12, 2010. It will be the trial of all the genocides scattered in our history, these dead waiting for us to release them from our sleepy memory. The Petrocaribe trial will be especially an opportunity for every Haitian and every Haitian to question the relationship we have with the public good, which belongs to all and is good for all.

And then, let's get ready to vote when the time comes. Let us prepare to vote today, but on the basis of policies, strategies and programs of national and local interest for the building of which we will have contributed individually and collectively, especially within the framework of our institutional, professional organizations and community.

The word that saves today is together. Our young people understood it. The word of survival is relationship. Relationship between generations. Relationship between neighborhoods. Relationship between sectoral, social and professional groups. That the girls and women of Haiti continue their progress towards the social and political territories like those women in Sudan at the heart of the revolt against a decried regime. Set without false modesty. Stripped of our egos too heavy for our lives. Relationship with our Haitian sisters and brothers of the diaspora who are suffering with us, who want to participate with us in the great project of rebuilding our society. We do not have much time left. There is no longer any question of adapting to a system that no longer works. No more to shut up and pretend things are going to change

  • Coutechève Lavoie Aupont
  • Guy Régis Jr.
  • James Noël
  • Néhémy Pierre Dahomey
  • Marie Andrée Etienne
  • Evelyne Trouillot
  • Frankétienne
  • Jean D’Amérique
  • Lyonel Trouillot
  • Barbara Prezeau Stefenson
  • Gary Klang
  • Kettly Mars
  • Jacques Adler Jean Pierre
  • André Fouad
  • Dieulermesson Petit-Frère
  • Yanick Lahens
  • Gary Victor
  • Mirline Pierre
  • Elsie Suréna
  • Verly Dabel
  • Jean-Robert Léonidas
  • Anthony Phelps
  • Béo Monteau
  • Mehdi Chalmers
  • Guy Gérald Ménard
  • Eddy Toussaint Tontongi
  • Stephane Martelly
  • Faubert Bolivar
  • Makenzy Orcel

27 Writers Demand President Jovenel Moise Resignation

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Thursday, June 20, 2019 3:44:20 PM EDT

OAS Epic Failure for Peace Talks in Haiti

The delegation from the Organization of American States (OAS) was told by the Haitian opposition that there is no possibility for dialogue with President Jovenel Moïse. Meetings held throughout Haiti on Wednesday were aimed at bringing the two sides together but in the end the OAS was told that there is no solution that does not begin with the resignation of the president and that its delegation arrived having no grasp of the situation in the country.


A dialogue between President Jovenel Moïse, political leaders and representatives of civil society that will lead to the formation of an inclusive government is the stated mission of the OAS delegation in Haiti. Led by Carlos Trujillo, US Ambassador to the OAS and President of the Permanent Council of the Hemispheric Organization, the delegation held meetings with the Head of State, several leaders of political parties and civil society.

" I met with the OAS delegation about the current crisis. The talks also focused on the problems of security and precariousness in the country. I remain convinced that dialogue is the only asset that will allow us to resolve our political differences," posted President Moïse his Twitter account following the meeting with OAS President Trujillo and Secretary General Koncke.

The delegation later met with opposition actors, the Secretary General of the Fusion political party, Rosemond Pradel, the OPL political party's national coordinator, Edgard Leblanc Fils, and former Senator and presidential favorite, Kély C. Bastien, at the OAS offices in the Port-au-Prince suburb of Pétion-Ville.

"The OAS delegation has asked us to dialogue with President Jovenel Moïse to form a government on the basis of a political agreement," former Senator Bastien told Le Nouvelliste. "We told them that there is no possibility of dialogue with the president. At this stage of the situation it is a national consensus demanding the resignation of Jovenel Moïse and a radical change." Bastiend felt that the delegation did not understand the current situation in the country.

The secretary general of the Fusion emphasized that he and his colleagues explained the situation of the country to the OAS delegation by letting them know that the president did everything to get there and that today he is no longer in charge nothing, except the National Palace. "The second report of the Court of Accounts on the management of the PetroCaribe fund has exposed the morality of the President of the Republic," said Rosemond Pradel.

Mr. Pradel said that the OAS delegation is trying to convince political actors to participate in a cohabitation government by keeping Jovenel Moïse in power. "We let them know that for several times we tried to talk to the president, but it did not work out... the time for dialogue with the president is over and for now, it is the resignation of Jovenel Moïse that matters. He can not run the country, keeping him in power will do much more harm to the Haitian people," he said.

Contacted by Le Nouvelliste, the spokesman of the Democratic and Popular Sector, Attorney André Michel, reaffirmed that "the solution to the current political crisis passes first and foremost by the resignation of Jovenel Moïse as President of the Republic, the realization the PetroCaribe trial and the organization of the Haitian National Sovereign Conference to lay the foundations for the emergence of a new social project in the interest of all social strata of the Haitian nation. No political coexistence is possible with Jovenel Moise after the publication of the report of the Court of Auditors which confirms the participation of the latter in the squandering of 4.2 billion US dollars of the fund PetroCaribe. "

"No negotiations with Jovenel Moses to snatch any political crumbs. In our meetings with the international community, we have always clearly expressed this position. At a time when the people are rising throughout the Republic to demand the resignation of Jovenel Moses, we invite the OAS to stand on the side of the people to facilitate the resignation of Jovenel Moïse, which will allow us to engage the construction site. democratic construction as provided for in the OAS Charter," said André Michel.

Haiti's ambassador to the OAS, contacted by Le Nouvelliste, said that the delegation had a meeting, early in the morning of June 19, with the President of the Republic accompanied by his Chancellor. "She then had several working sessions with leaders of political parties and civil society. The delegation also met a group of ambassadors accredited to Haiti, "added Léon Charles.


OAS Epic Failure for Peace Talks in Haiti


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Thursday, June 20, 2019 9:42:49 PM EDT

"Try, try again..." Wyclef Jean Hints at Another Presidential Run

Wyclef Jean, member of the Grammy Award-winning rap group The Fugees, hinted on Wednesday during a Fox Business interview that he might be prepared to make a second attempt to become President of Haiti in elections due to be held by the end of 2019.


“There's a thing about politics,” he said to FOX Business' Maria Bartiromo on Wednesday. “This is a rule -- if you fail and you don't succeed, try, try again.”

Jean, 49, ran for president nine years ago, after a disastrous earthquake left “250,000 people under rubble.” The Haitian-born entertainer felt that there was a good chance to “reconstruct the country” through carbon credit.

“One of my ideas in moving this country forward would be, you know, an environmental fund which is actually there,” he said. Another idea Jean has is to create jobs through agricultural banks.

“I believe in job creation,” he said. “So we were talking about the idea of agro banks -- empowering farmers -- you know what I mean?” he said, adding that “I have mixed emotion about microloans because at the end of the day if I don't have money, how you expect me to pay you back?”

Ultimately, Jean's bid for president was rejected over residency requirements, but he still believes “in moving forward in the future.”

“Whether you’re a third-world island, a third-world country, let’s strengthen [the] private sector because … when you look at it, the private sector, the stronger they are, the more jobs that could be provided for the people.”

"Try, try again..." Wyclef Jean Hints at Another Presidential Run

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Thursday, June 20, 2019 9:42:49 PM EDT

"Try, try again..." Wyclef Jean Hints at Another Presidential Run

Wyclef Jean, member of the Grammy Award-winning rap group The Fugees, hinted on Wednesday during a Fox Business interview that he might be prepared to make a second attempt to become President of Haiti in elections due to be held by the end of 2019.



"Try, try again..." Wyclef Jean Hints at Another Presidential Run

I don't think he'll have to worry about Pras this time around. Wasn't he caught up in some money-laundering scandal?