Senators Youri Latortue (AAA - Artibonite) and Nenel Cassy (Fanmi Lavalas - Nippes) penned a letter to President of the Senate Carl Murat Cantave (AAA - Artibonite) demanding an investigation and sanctions against the officer, part of the Unit to Maintain Order (UDMO) brigade.
Senator Cheramy, also known as Don Kato, responded after the threats saying "I prefer to die here, defending my people and country". The interim Director General of the PNH Normil Rameau and U.S. Ambassador Michele Sinon have not reacted to this situation that transpired on the sidelines of a legislative action.
On Wednesday, September 4, 2019, opposition deputies held a press conference at La Plaza Hotel on Champs de Mars to explain why no opposing voices were present at the ratification proceeding the day before. The lawmakers reported there had been armed individuals in civil clothing in the Chamber halls during the ratification proceeding. This would be a violation of interior bylaws according to them.
As well, these deputies claim to have been victims of physical assault by another deputy, Arnouce John Bernard (PHTK - Beaumont), who had on his person an unregistered firearm. In a scrum, the opposition deputies seized the weapon from Bernard and left the premises.