Haiti: Nearly a Million People Took to the Streets.They Want the Western-imposed government out of

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
February 12, 2019

Does the Haitian middle class exist? The answer to this question is simple: no. The best, therefore, for you dear readers, would be to move on to something more useful than to read this post that will try to cite evidence that only holograms of the Haitian middle class can not see. Nevertheless, since the current situation in the country imposes a "lock down", I suppose you do not have much to do with your day, so you are invited to waste your time with me.

If you have a smartphone or a laptop with an internet connection, you have energy to surf online on various social networks such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter or Instagram, chances are you believe you are part of middle class. I'm sorry to tell you, but this group, this team, this class does not exist: You do not exist! This social class does not exist, for several reasons, three of which seem obvious to me:

First of all, the "middle class" is a space of transition or refuge here. Those who think of being part of it and who proclaim it loud and clear, are generally part of the proletariat. Although the notion of class is not only economic or financial, based on these criteria, the so-called "average" class in Haiti merges with the proletariat. The purchasing power or standard of living of the individuals of this so-called middle class, does not exceed that of a worker in South America. These people who identify themselves as belonging to the middle class deceive themselves of belonging to the Atlantis of the Haitian social-economic strata, a space that takes shape only in their imagination.

Then comes the "zwit" minority which presents the social-economic characteristics of a true middle class. But, these people let themselves be trapped, nice indeed, to believe themselves "bourgeois". In general, as a professional or small entrepreneur, the credit system leaves them barely enough margins to heal their appearance, lie to themselves, lie to their little clique and pretend to be "bourgeois". The prerequisite is quite simple: to have a salary to obtain a car loan that represents up to three fifths of that salary. All by and for the automobile; it is the main material indicator that allows the accession to a certain entourage and certain associates. It becomes possible to mix with families X, Y or Z (you know them). Of course, if nature has given you a reduced dose of melanin, your chances of gaining access to this semi-bourgeois "subclass" are automatically quintupled. To accept such social gymnastics one must deconectualize oneself, reduce one's existence to trivial things, and be enslaved by others. This process brings us to the third of the evidences: a heterogeneous mass completely depoliticized.

When the social status of an individual is determined by the type of car we have and by its network and its privileged links with families X, Y or Z, it is necessary if not primordial for this being to self- to disintegrate in order to appropriate this fictional reality. A citizen or a group that is reduced to this, is automatically depoliticized. He no longer has any interest in agreeing with his true reality and his real needs, for he must pretend to have the same as those who are really part of the bourgeoisie. It does not exist at the political level because, to protect its place in the virtual space of this false petty bourgeoisie, it must defend interests to light years of its reality. The process is almost similar for those of the proletariat who claim to be of the "middle class". They are dissociating themselves from the demands of the people because we must respect the codes and the label of this illusory middle class. Hence this discomfort with popular movements that take sometimes violent or barbaric forms, had regard to the prude characters of this "middle class". However, in the demands of the people who win the streets, this class which is called average, recognizes his own grievances and his daily problems. This group of repressed proletarians know that a dismissal, or the refusal of an aunt in the diaspora to pay the rent or schooling of Cedric, is enough to turn him into this extreme poverty that pushes the people to the streets. Their repulsion from the revolting mass of people comes from the fact that he knows he is only a hair's breadth away from her.

False-bourgeois see this people as a threat to property that is not yet theirs, but that will be their children or grandchildren if they break well. These mechanisms are done in the subconscious of this "subclass" which has totally failed in its role of elite, and is unable to self-analyze and understand or become aware of his unhealthy behaviors. In this virtual socio-economic space, they will remain attached until over-indebtedness. And just before bankruptcy, they will go to Florida or Canada, live in the shoes of middle-class people or simply assume the role of insignificant proletarians.

To understand the narrow vision of this virtual middle class, one must first accept that it does not exist. It is the product of our collective, fertile imagination. Trying to understand an entity that does not exist is a difficult, if not impossible, exercise. However, as you have taken your courage in both hands and supported until then my vision Manichean, devoid of nuance and certainly irritating, I share with you a secret formula of the quantum physics Haitian which made it possible to define the reality of this fictitious class : aparans + blòf = rezistans


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
For the Haitian american diaspora on the class action lawsuit

Members of the diaspora file a complaint against the Government of Haiti



On December 24, 2018, a class action was filed and registered at the Eastern District District Court in Manhattan, NY, by Marcel Denis, a lawyer of Haitian origin, of the Denis Law Group, PLLC. Representing Haitian plaintiffs Odilon S. Celestin, Widmir Romelien, Alexander Goldie Lamothe, Vincent Marazita, against the accused Michel Joseph Martelly, Jocelerme Privert, Jovenel Moïse, Western Union, Caribbean Air Mail inc., Unitransfert USA inc., Digicel-Haiti, Natcom SA and the Government of Haiti, for violation of US federal laws as well as those of the States of New York, Florida and California. The plaintiffs dispute the levies on phone minutes and money transfers, to finance in Haiti the National Fund for Education (FNE).

Recall that the FNE was created under the Presidency Martelly in May 2011 Haiti - Education : Launch of the National Fund for Education (FNE) by Martelly (UPDATE 1h03pm) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7currently financed by the diaspora by a phone fee of US $ 0.05 on each incoming minute and a charge of US $ 1.50, on incoming and outgoing funds transfers, which are collected by the Central Bank (BRH) has been ratified by both Chambers of Parliaments in August 2012 by the Chamber of Deputies Haiti - Education : The FNE becomes progressively legal - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7 and in July 2017 by the Senate Haiti - Politics : After 5 years of blocking the Senate votes the law on the FNE - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

This 54-page class action contains 12 counts :
  • Violation of general business law, according to the laws of New York in force (deceptive acts and practices);
  • Violation of New York State Business Law (False Advertising);
  • Violation of Florida law on unfair and deceptive marketing practices;
  • Civil theft under Florida law;
  • Violation of California State legislation on the operation of businesses and professions;
  • Unfair competition under the California State Code of Professional and Business Law;
  • Violation of the California State Law on Consumer Litigation;
  • False statements intentionally made in violation of New York law;
  • False statements intentionally made under the laws of Florida;
  • Conspiracy to defraud Haitian consumers through remittances from the diaspora;
  • Unjustified enrichment;
  • Misrepresentation of the use to be made of additional fees collected from transfer houses and phone companies.

Download the complaint for all the details (PDF) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/case-1-18-cv-0734.pdf

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014



First lady of Haiti, Francois Ragelande, is staying a hotel in the colonial zone of the DR, awaiting the critical outcome of her country. Authorities have taken measures to protect their safety and try to locate President Moise's eldest son