H.S shooting by 15 year old in M.I leaves 4 dead and 7 injured. Edit#3: He got life in Jail


May 14, 2012
No 1 cares what weapon he had

Wrong again. There's a few news stories on the weapons he used and the fact that his dad bought it on black Friday.

God damn your 0 for 10.

I don't personally care what he used or where he got it, I never even addressed it. I addressed the coli poster that slipped up and said he used a glock when he quoted a story that said he used a sig Sauer.

When you make a statement, a judgement, or form an opinion it's imperative that you utilize as much accuracy as possible. Otherwise people just spout bullshyt. The poster said he used a glock, the story says a sig, with your logic someone can come in and say "he had a rocket launcher!" "He had a fully automatic machine gun!" And just continue to make shyt up and you don't see anything wrong with that.

I really don't understand why your so hung up about this case. There's no black people involved. Why do you care so much?

I don't care about the victims or the suspects or their families. They are all white, they'll have white lawyers and see a white judge and have a white jury. This isn't a black issue at all or anything a black person should concern themselves about.

The narrative that his parents should be charged, which I do not disagree with, once they can find proof that they were either negligent, or somehow directly involved, is not something I feel should be used as a blanket approach because what will happen is they will disproportionately arrest black children and their parents/guardians and clear out neighborhoods and schools. Black kids already get suspended and expelled more than their peers and for lesser offenses.

You can't have these knee jerk reactions and make blanket statements without considering how they affect black people.

If they start arresting white parents just off gp cause their kid fukked up, they'll go 10x harder on black folks.

A black kid jaywalks ":camby:get the warrant so we can go arrest his parents, clearly they failed."

If you don't care how that affects black people, then we have nothing further to discuss.
Mar 18, 2017
809 & 347
Nah fukk that he’s a full on demon


Having a Baby face is what probably made him a target to get bullied by his peers.

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
Wrong again. There's a few news stories on the weapons he used and the fact that his dad bought it on black Friday.

God damn your 0 for 10.

I don't personally care what he used or where he got it, I never even addressed it. I addressed the coli poster that slipped up and said he used a glock when he quoted a story that said he used a sig Sauer.

When you make a statement, a judgement, or form an opinion it's imperative that you utilize as much accuracy as possible. Otherwise people just spout bullshyt. The poster said he used a glock, the story says a sig, with your logic someone can come in and say "he had a rocket launcher!" "He had a fully automatic machine gun!" And just continue to make shyt up and you don't see anything wrong with that.

I really don't understand why your so hung up about this case. There's no black people involved. Why do you care so much?

I don't care about the victims or the suspects or their families. They are all white, they'll have white lawyers and see a white judge and have a white jury. This isn't a black issue at all or anything a black person should concern themselves about.

The narrative that his parents should be charged, which I do not disagree with, once they can find proof that they were either negligent, or somehow directly involved, is not something I feel should be used as a blanket approach because what will happen is they will disproportionately arrest black children and their parents/guardians and clear out neighborhoods and schools. Black kids already get suspended and expelled more than their peers and for lesser offenses.

You can't have these knee jerk reactions and make blanket statements without considering how they affect black people.

If they start arresting white parents just off gp cause their kid fukked up, they'll go 10x harder on black folks.

A black kid jaywalks ":camby:get the warrant so we can go arrest his parents, clearly they failed."

If you don't care how that affects black people, then we have nothing further to discuss.
Not reading that u cac apologist

Go delete ya account like u agreed to
fakkit ass yacubian


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
I support the mass eradication of every race that isn't African. You cacs, chinks, spics, wops, micks, Jews, and all of the c00ns that fukk with them can really all drop today and I'll be :yeshrug: about it.

I'm not going to argue with white supremacists about white supremacy.

I don't support any notion that can be easily spiralled into mass incarceration or death for black people.

Y'all talk that slick shyt, then be in threads about the hood saying "They should just napalm it" :stopitslime:

Let them start arresting white parents, and everyone else for 50 years before they even consider arresting or killing a black parent for their grown child's action and you 100% have my vote.
You are a garbage ass nikka and you'd get hurt talking this garbage around a nikka like me. I love it, anytime I'm around nikkas like you I can't resist the urge to rob and pistol whip you. bytch you out in front of everybody. fukk on lame ass nikka :camby: