Guys, get checked for STDs...start 2019 off right.


Dec 23, 2016
It probably is 95% for celebrities Every time I hear about a Dwight Howard or any athlete with a bunch of kids by multiple women I assume they already got it.
Yea I seen how a lot of celebs share a lot of the same groupies. I used to have a huge crush on some male celebs but the more I saw the women they were sleeping with on IG that other male celebs already slept with..the more disgusted I became especially once I realized they all got herpes or some other STDs. I would never want to go anywhere near a celebrity now thanks to social media exposing the ugly truth. I'm just shocked how even though people know all this they will still chase a celeb with diseased genitalia. :scust: I mean I understand people make mistakes in life and shouldn't be judged for their status - everyone deserves to be happy but when you see celebs spreading STDs to multiple people that's just reckless and tragic.