I liked this movie, but it was too poorly executed to make the point I think it was trying to. From what I remember the, main character is a lonely horny girl who's "Hollywood ugly" meaning a 7/10. She's so horny, she has to set an egg timer to get to work on time. Can't even get off with her one male friend becuase he's into man butt. I think the fat guy at the bus stop with the half-eaten cake was another symbol of someone not being able to resist their urges. But, after that it's a little gore, a really stereotypical Evil Government Man, a Mammy, token Sage Homo Advisor, etc. Horny girl is willing to fukk a fish she's so lonely and horny. Then the rest turns into Splash.
I'd watch again to fast forward to the main naked and flicking the bean, but that's about it.