These "janitor episodes" where they've just been cleaning up the mess they made all season are the best, we get to see the club as real people dealing with real problems,the suttery-less episodes like this let you relate to the club cause we all have issu....never mind they're raping juice again

i spoke too soon
Sutter just had to squeeze in some gay sex or he wouldn't have been happy. There's been more gay sex on a show about a criminal biker gang than the whole series of Will and Grace. Let that marinate for a minute. Between the man ass/gay sex/tranny love I feel like i watched something I never signed up to see. PAWS.
Sutter really took the "fukk juice movement" literally. Juice just looked so defeated all the way up until the end. dude was the young version of unser getting screwed over by samcro and still being loyal to the end. Are we sure he isn't juice pops. Both died simping something that wanted nothing to do with them. Both will be treated in death the same way they were in shyt and not given a fukk about. the dualities.

But damn juice, this dude blasted your culo out and had you reading him fairy tales so he could go to sleep and you don't want to kill him and to make it worse you gonna let him kill you to help the club that hates you and would kill you themselves? Marilyn Manson done raped the common sense out that boy. Should've ran while he had the months to escape. I can't even feel sorry for him because he shot random new patch guy in the face to steal that brick.
Speaking "my skin is sliding down my face to get away from my eyes" Unser...This clown told Jax "this is all I got left." bruh what?

Obviously he was talking about snooping around in peoples lives and not everybody had her but him gemma

He would've been better off letting jax shoot her and then getting it over her dead body cause that was the only way he was ever getting it. Dude took a bullet for the town whore who's only ever gave him daps and a kiss on the cheek and that was only cause he had cancer.
First robocop, now T-1000 pops up. Is sutter trying to tell us something with these killer cops from the future?
Speaking of robocop, they still haven't gotten to him yet, so they're going to spend the last episode chasing him down, chasing the irish guy down, delivering the "mayhem" vote, random fukkery,watching nero buy the farm,Abel taking 5 minutes to deliver a two syllable word,Nero crying,etc. Tell me again why we needed all that filler they had this season.
Oh yeah, fukk gemma.