Greece financial crisis | Latest : Deal reached with even tougher conditions for Greece.

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
1 Billion in capital flight from Greece yesterday.

Yesterday evening, after what had been a dramatic surge in the Greek bank run which has resulted in over €3 billion in cash withdrawn through Thursday night, the Greek central bank requested an emergency cash dispensation from the ECB under the country's Emergency Liquidity Assistance program, just one day after the ECB granted the latest €1.1 billion expansion in the ELA. Rarlier today, in an unscheduled session, the ECB did as requested, however it granted Greece far less than the amount it sought, and according toMarketNews reports, the ECB gave Greece just €1.8 billion in addition funds.

This means that Greek deposits have declined by over €5 billion in the past 7 days alone, as indicated by the surge in the ELA from €80.7 billion on June 10 to €85.9 billion currently.

Worse, as Reuters reported moments ago, on Friday alone there was another €1.2 billion in deposit outflows which means that the entire ELA increase has already been used up, and Greece is again facing the abyss.

Finally, the one question on everyone's mind, can Greek deposits hit parity with total ELA as we hypothesized a week ago? The answer - no. As the following chart shows, Greece currently has about €95 billion in ELA eligibility and just around €120 BN in deposits left.

Which means that even the "well-meaning" ECB can handle at most 7-8 days more of deposit outflows before it shuts off the Greek ELA account and capital controls are finally imposed leading to the next, far more unpleasant phase of the Greek drama.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
@Domingo Halliburton in theory could Greek deposits/cash on hand have already have outstripped actual cash necessary to cover accounts in Greece?
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Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
@Domingo Halliburton in theory could Greek deposits/cash on hand already have outstripped actual cash necessary to cover accounts in Greece?

if it hasn't happened already it's probably just a matter of when. I guess some of their creditors have been willing to help until the end of the year but I don't see how they get out of this without implementing capital controls and then reducing pensions....which is pretty much what the current government was elected not to do.

The Greeks should threaten to go to Russia. That will scare the shyt out of the EU. Russia wants to give them the money but I don't think anyone in the western world, Greeks included, want that.


May 19, 2012
could possibly be the beginning of the end of the Euro. Probably doesn't affect you in anyway. If you own stocks and/or bonds through a retirement plan they're being adversely affected probably only for the short term though.

I see this as being a positive for the Euro, Greece and the rest of the welfare babies should have been kicked out a long time ago :heh:
May 8, 2012
I see this as being a positive for the Euro, Greece and the rest of the welfare babies should have been kicked out a long time ago :heh:
Its a mixed bag. Some of the more bummy countries being in the currency union drive down the euro's value, which greatly helps the economies of the core countries, particularly Germany and their export industry. If there was a long-term strengthening of the euro, the German economy would suffer.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Greece Is in a Worse Spot Than America Was in 1933
Athens screams "Depression"
by Tom Keene
June 22, 2015 — 2:35 PM EDT


Construction projects during the Great Depression laid the groundwork for future prosperity. Source: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

Using the second definition of depression, most economists refer to the Great Depression as the period between 1929 and 1941. On the other hand, using the first definition, the depression that started in August 1929 lasted until March 1933. Note that NBER, which publishes the recession (instead of depression) dates for the U.S. economy, has identified two recessions during that period. The first between August 1929 and March 1933 and the second starting in May 1937 and ending in June 1938. — Wikipedia.

Is Greece in a depression? The above is confusing. It is classic "on the one hand, on the other hand ..." analysis. For Greece, it is neither confusing nor funny. They are most certainly experiencing some form of "Great Contraction" or "Great Recession." But is it a "Great Depression" like in the 1930s? Or is Greece in the early stages of a "Long Depression" like the U.S. from 1873 to 1896—longer and shallower than what followed on in 1929?

Let's take a look.


A comparison of Greece 2007 with the U.S. 1929 (semi-log): The white series is inflation-adjusted Greek GDP. Overlaid are moments within America's Great Depression 1929-1941. The pivot-point comparing Greece to 1930s America is the left blue circle.
Focus first on the Hellenic economy as shown by the white line, which is inflation-adjusted Greek GDP, going to 2013. I have estimated the further decline in real GDP to 2014 (the white circle). The left, yellow circle marks the advent of the euro at the end of 1998. Note that Greek output has not benefited from the common currency and monetary union, at least according to this chart.

Now, ask a simple question: Can we compare the top of the Greek experiment, 2007, with the top of the U.S. pre-Depression economy, or 1929? The left blue circle "pins" U.S. real GDP from 1929 and Greece's real GDP from 2007. The red circle is the "bottom" in America in 1933; the second blue circle is the New Deal recovery to 1936, and finally, the green circle is what many suggest is the "end" of America's slump in 1941. The chart is set semi-log, so slope matters and the movements suggest percentage change.

(Disclaimer: This overlay is a close approximation and combines Greek data in euros, set to U.S. dollars with U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis guesstimates of what actually happened before World War II. It is widely understood that "good data" only began about 1947.)

What to make of all this? Economic depression is highly subjective and includes the depth of contraction with the chronic nature of a given slowdown. What is certain is the plunge in output qualifies Athens to scream: "depression." Just as one immediate example, the white series tumbles well beneath the red circle that represents America's 1933 nightmare.

Critically, the data are all set in U.S. dollars. That makes a huge difference to the Greek domestic economy living on weaker euros and the possibility of an even more fragile drachma. The chart does not show 2015, or 2016, or the future, whatever that may be.



Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Greece debt crisis: Why should I care?
  • 7 hours ago
  • From the sectionEurope
Greece spells out debt 'rescue' deal
European leaders are due to hold an emergency meeting on Greece's debt crisis on Monday, but after months of talks variously described as "crucial", "last-gasp" and "crunch", you could be forgiven for shrugging your shoulders.

Greece makes up just 2% of the eurozone economy, so stay or go, why care? Here are five reasons.

1. 'Grexit' could be disastrous for Greece

Could a Grexit boost the far-right Golden Dawn party?
There are no guarantees that a Greek economy freed of the eurozone shackles would flourish.

The Bank of Greece has painted a very bleak picture of what Grexit might mean - a deep recession, with soaring unemployment and slumping incomes.

Ordinary Greeks would find their savings devalued. Greece would find itself an outcast on international credit markets, making a swift recovery even more unlikely.

Greece has a history of coups and there are fears leaving the euro could prove politically debilitating.

Voters turned to Syriza amid dissatisfaction with traditional parties. If Syriza leads Greece out of the euro, or gets a deal deemed unacceptable, voters may turn even further from the mainstream, and towards parties like the Communists or far-right Golden Dawn.

2. Whatever the outcome, it will have a knock-on effect in other countries

Other anti-austerity parties could profit from any Syriza gains
European politics is so intertwined it is hard to imagine a scenario that cannot be spun to the advantage of at least one of its actors.

The progress of Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, is being closely watched by other anti-austerity parties like Spain's Podemos.

The party made gains in local elections in May, and success for Mr Tsipras would be a fillip for it ahead of general elections later this year.

If Germany agrees to a write-down of Greek debt, German Chancellor Angela Merkel could face a backlash from voters unhappy about Greece being let off the hook.

And for anti-EU parties such as France's National Front, or Britain's Ukip, the crisis strengthens their argument that European integration is ultimately doomed.

Another factor is that Greece, along with Italy, has borne the brunt of the surge in numbers of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa.

A Greece out of the euro would be less able - and less inclined - to co-operate on this issue. Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos has invoked this possibility by threatening to "flood" Europe with migrants if Greece was allowed to go bust.

3. The US is worried

Could a Grexit hand an advantage to Russia?
In a sign of how serious negotiations have become, President Obama, who has sat largely on the sidelines through the crisis, put some pressure on Mr Tsipras last week in calling for him to make "tough political choices".

Washington has previously expressed concern about the effects of a Grexit on the global economy, but Mr Obama's intervention may also reflect fears that Greece could be driven into the arms of Russia.

Leaving the euro could force Greece to seek Russian aid - but it is not clear what Moscow's price may be.

Mr Tsipras has already threatened European unity over Russia's actions in Ukraine by calling for an end to sanctions.

Greece is also a Nato member, and the organisation has warned of "repercussions" if Greece leaves the euro.

"If Greece leaves, I'll bet you that in Moscow, this will be seen as confirmation of the Russian theory that the European Union is in decline and about to fall apart," Wolfgang Ischinger, a former German ambassador to the US told Bloomberg.

4. If Greece goes, others could follow

First Greece, next Portugal?
A key worry is that if Greece were to leave, it would start an irreversible domino effect.

There are reasons to believe this would not happen - the EU has taken steps to isolate financial difficulties of one member state from the rest. If Greece were to leave, it would be at a time when the European economy is recovering.

But given the inevitable uncertainty that would follow a Greek exit, as US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew put it, it would be a "mistake" to think there would be no contagion. Countries like Ireland and Portugal, previous recipients of bailout money, could be dragged back into crisis.

A Greek exit would change how the common currency project is seen.

The EU commission once described eurozone membership as "irrevocable," but Greece leaving would show that is no longer the case.

Louka Katseli, chair of the National Bank of Greece, said that would give the green light for the markets to attack weaker members of the currency grouping.

5. The global economy won't like it

Stock markets have been rattled by questions over Greece
Greece makes up a tiny part of the world economy - Jim O'Neill, former head of economics at Goldman Sachs, once calculated that China created an economy the size of Greece every three months.

But Greece's role in one of the world's major currencies means its exit is unlikely to be shrugged off.

Stock markets have slid and risen in line with speculation about whether a deal can be reached and are likely be further spooked by a Grexit.

Greece's creditors such as the European Central Bank and other European countries would also face immediate losses.

Even if Greece strikes a deal, its problems will not be solved overnight. Nor will all the criticisms of the single currency be answered. Further uncertainly seems unavoidable.

"The marriage may endure," says the Economist magazine - "but even more unhappily than before".