Moon walking seeing moon people
Us Caribbean brehs know France,England And the rest of them euros owe us . where every black immigrant is a c00n and isnt aware of the socioeconomics of blacks in America.
Ok, I feel you on that.I agree want ADOS to get reparations even if it’s only ADOS I was just asking if it came down to Congress not wanting to only give it to ADOS would they reject it? I don’t want african Americans reparations my reparations come from Britain
So slavery didn’t exist in Guyana. Was there not a genocide in the Belgian Congo
. What I don’t get about ADOS movement is how they basically make it seem like slavery only happened in America or play oppression Olympics with who had it worst amongst other black peoples. You guys are really that worried about other black groups getting reparations that haven’t even materialized yet
@xoxodede @T’krm @Gold i have to ask you guys a question if Congress said they would give Reparations not only to ADOS but to all non-ADOS black peoples in America would you guys reject it?
We gotta chill with this type of energy brothers smh
Oh please - By law and your own words, you think that you are the same as black Americans despite you or your parents not being born here or having the same experiences.Nope. These hashtags are nothing more than xenophobic anti black immigrant movements disguised as pro reparations groups. They deserve all the scorn we can muster.
I’m an American citizen. By law, this is as much my country as it is yours and there is nothing your xenophobic trash ass hash tag can do about it.
“Family Price”? What’s does that mean? Everyone paid the same thing for airline, hotel, and transport.
I’ve already answered the question about xenophobic comments from the African community. I don’t stand for xenophobia against AAs and vice versa.
I don’t stand for xenophobia against Latinos either. It’s just who I am.
The only reason I go hard at the hashtag movements is because they have made xenophobia a cornerstone of their movement.
If they were actually only fighting the noble cause of reparations, I would be in full support of the hashtags.
shyt talking goes both ways when groups interact. Every African person especially kids have experienced bullying from African Americans at some point. Especially those of us who came in the 80s when the a number of Africans in the country was very small. Most of us don’t hold grudges and actually come to identify with African American culture. Because despite some ignorant people, we met AA who were proud of and celebrated their African roots. I went to Atlanta Public Schools and our curriculum was very Afrocentric. We were exposed not only to AA history not taught in most schools, but African history as well.
Now to be honest, some of our parents did hold some negative stereotypes of AA, but when most black people live here long enough, they eventually get their wake up call. It’s hard to talk shyt about people and their culture when your own kids look, dress, talk and act like the people you are talking shyt about.
But let me know when Africans start an organized movement that traffics in so much xenophobia against African Americans as these hashtag movements do against Africans. Then we can talk.
Well lately it has been framed as such. Like this @TK'm guy spouting white supremacists talking points about intentional displacement. How is that any different than tiki torch whites talking about "Jews will not replace us" or "They will not replace us"
Look, I have no problem with AADOS looking out for the interests of it's community, but all the immigrant bashing is not going to address the real systematic racial issues facing the community and if we are honest, the dysfunctions that are a result of hundreds of years of oppression.
Those problems will need to be addressed with or without immigration. Good luck having it addressed politically at least, in a country that is 80% - 90% cac like it was for most of the history of this country.
What's really concerning is this zero sum mentality that says gains by black immigrants is at the expense of AADOS. That sounds like some hating ass shyt to me.
What i'm optimistic about is I feel these is a small group of very loud voices and the rest of the diaspora doesn't take this posture.
What exactly did Joy Reid say that was wrong? She is from Guyana she is a descendant of enslaved people?fukk joy Reid![]()
She is not African American fohWhat exactly did Joy Reid say that was wrong? She is from Guyana she is a descendant of enslaved people?
Oh please - By law and your own words, you think that you are the same as black Americans despite you or your parents not being born here or having the same experiences.
But you have no problem being “Xenophobic“ against African Americans by referring to us as hashtags despite your own words saying different And I like the way you gloss over your parents having negativity toward AAs from the start as if that’s not the first ground rule that your people have as soon as they get off the plane and evidenced by how you all interact With AAs by predicting your own brand I’d separatism. Get your inconsistencies up and maybe their wouldn’t be a need for anti- reactions. Bc clearly the anti- black activity coming from Africa is not only “in our heads”
you yourself face acknowledged your people have inherent negative perceptions of AAs then wonder why an air of contempt exists between them when your own bring ideas of white racists stereotypes from your land. Don’t backtrack With the “holier than though” verbiage yet you have acknowledged such.
and you’ve been here before like you have in prior threads again, about shyt that doesn’t concern you.”.748659/page-14#post-35847722
Are you stupid where did u say she was African American I said she is from Guyana she is a descendant of enslaved peopleShe is not African American foh
What exactly did Joy Reid say that was wrong? She is from Guyana she is a no descendant of enslaved people?