Government is considering payments of $450,000 per person for migrants separated at the border


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I already knew there’d be a platinum thread on this because the Coli loves these things: (1) complaining about immigrants getting money: (2) rumors about immigrants getting money and; (3) pretending like modern remedies to human rights violations are an affront to reparations.

Like that thread two weeks ago where posters were mad the Biden Admin was going to fund the organizations that help with Afghan resettlement after the 20 year long invasion and occupation by the US military :mjlol:

@Nicole0416_646NYC when this obvious nonsense gets shot down, you'll make the thread about it, right? :mjpls:
These are your people right, Latinos?
These are your people though
This goes for the white women y'all love too.

She’s fine as hell for a White woman :yeshrug:
dumb hypocrite c00nfused fuk
You don’t even live in the United States, faggit - why are you in this discussion??
Black men joined White men in the initial labour movement :mjpls:


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
I already knew there’d be a platinum thread on this because the Coli loves these things: (1) complaining about immigrants getting money: (2) rumors about immigrants getting money and; (3) pretending like modern remedies to human rights violations are an affront to reparations.

Like that thread two weeks ago where posters were mad the Biden Admin was going to fund the organizations that help with Afghan resettlement after the 20 year long invasion and occupation by the US military :mjlol:

@Nicole0416_646NYC when this obvious nonsense gets shot down, you'll make the thread about it, right? :mjpls:
These are your people right, Latinos?
Why are non- US Black Americans like this poster always participating in convos that don’t pertain to them?? Canada or UK??
The term is “women of colour,” but he could have just said Black women or AA women.
Fukkin mess

  1. Post
    Lebron James praises colored woman .... the comments are wild
    The term is “women of colour,” but he could have just said Black women or AA women.
    Post by: EndDomination, Aug 8, 2018 in forum: The Locker Room

  2. Post
    Some Black do crack. Look at this Tisha Campbell pic
    Both her parents are Black, the photo is washed out, the makeup is bad (especially the near-black colour on her lips), and she's almost 50.
    Post by: EndDomination, Mar 17, 2017 in forum: The Locker Room

  3. Post
    The average blacc person has more in common with cacs than Africans
    ...Only thing the vast majority of AAs have in common with their African brethren/sistren is skin colour, ancestry, and subjugation through racism.
    Post by: EndDomination, Apr 16, 2017 in forum: The Bushes

  4. Post
    Black people love white jesus more than their own historical leaders
    I mean, we do know what colourJesus was "conceptually." He was Brown, he was born in what we call Palestine today. He's as Arab as they get. He...
    Post by: EndDomination, Sep 17, 2016 in forum: The Locker Room

  5. Post where people who literally have accomplished nothing in life finger wave at the world.
    ...I've always found it interesting that the Crips chose Blue as a colour, though I do believe it was because Tookie and Raymond adopted it when...
    Post by: EndDomination, Dec 12, 2016 in forum: The Locker Room

  6. Post
    bruhs, this the type of woman (looks wise) i want in my life
    ...going to be a White woman. But do you breh, if she's your goal, reach your goals. I personally would prefer a woman of colour. But hey :yeshrug:
    Post by: EndDomination, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Locker Room

  7. Post
    Disney on that Fresh Prince wave
    They changed art styles and colour palettes, this is a bit more difficult to judge because of that. They certainly can give the new animated...
    Post by: EndDomination, Aug 15, 2018 in forum: The Locker Room

  8. Post
    Check out this new insta college pawg
    ...increasing your risk of skin cancer? So other Whites can say "Nice tan," or "I can see you've got some colour?" I need a psychological study done.
    Post by: EndDomination, Oct 23, 2016 in forum: The Locker Room


May 17, 2012
Los Angeles

Yet ACLU Executive Director Anthony D. Romero told Fox News that the plan is very much in the works.

"President Biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department as it carefully deliberated and considered the crimes committed against thousands of families separated from their children as an intentional governmental policy," Romero said.

They saying payments could start going out by the end of the month.