Yeah, ask him why Republicans are such grandstanding, gaslighting, projecting bytches? Ask him why are Republicans so afraid of calling the January 6th insurrection what it was? Are they afraid of Trump? Afraid their constitutes will literally show up at their homes with guns? Or both? Ask him why do you care if a woman has an abortion or not, because he's definitely going to vote against every single thing that would help a mother and the child if she has the baby? Ask him why do Cubans get the special hispanic status, and can float in on Rose's door raft and be welcomed into the country, but for everyone else it's take your dirty ass back home? Fidel is dead and Raul is in his 90's. Get over it. And if he has something to say about Fidel taking people's property, tell him I'll stop asking about it when I get my reparations. And while we're on that subject, ask him what is wrong with teaching the true history of this country? Like what's wrong with young Karen learning about what buck breaking was, or that black men who served in WWI and WWII were lynched in their uniforms? Is that truth a liberal woke agenda?