God Emperor of SOHH
i think the law is stupid and dumb but i disagree that it represents some type of existential threat to democracy or to black people, or that its evidence that the supreme court decision was wrong
"You're an idiot. I don't care what you have to say. Don't expect me to respond to you any more because you're so wrong. Your argument is shyt. That's how I learned to argue at Michigan law school."i think the law is stupid and dumb but i disagree that it represents some type of existential threat to democracy or to black people, or that its evidence that the supreme court decision was wrong
What's the reason for this law?i think the law is stupid and dumb but i disagree that it represents some type of existential threat to democracy or to black people, or that its evidence that the supreme court decision was wrong
i think the law is stupid and dumb but i disagree that it represents some type of existential threat to democracy or to black people, or that its evidence that the supreme court decision was wrong
Well, you're obviously not reading the article like many. The article's entire point is that Republicans are already acting to use this new found freedom to purge voters and to modify voting times, etc. A state like NC would not be able to do this if they were still subject to preclearance. The article just thoroughly (if you read the whole thing which I didn't even post) breaks down all the ways in which the law is an issue and basically why Ginsburg is right.
i read it entirely, i think its a pathetic attempt to suppress voters, but there isnt any crisis
Breh I look into this later I heard there's some studies out out done academia, which showcase just about no effect on the outcome :I'm sorry, next time I'll post a typical "bashing such and such party" or "calling such and such group stupid" thread with 3 paragraphs or less BROOKS: I guess I sort of agree.
But I would say two things. First, one of the great stories in American history and in the South in the last couple of years, couple of decades, is the gradual empowerment and enfranchisement of African-Americans. I think one's basic attitude is you don't want to be on the wrong side of that story.
And so I do think, if you're supporting this, you're putting yourself on the wrong side of that story. Having said that, do I think it's a huge deal? Well, here, we actually have academic research on this. And there are a number of states that have these laws on the books. To what extent does it diminish voting?
And the studies suggest either very little or not at all, not significantly, statistically significant. I think if you looked at the data, you would say, in some states, it brings Democratic total vote down 0.4...
JUDY WOODRUFF: You mean by adding stricter -- these stricter rules.
DAVID BROOKS: By adding these stricter rules. So, it has some effect. It's not a huge effect.
I agree with Mark. There's no real cause for it. There's not all that much corruption. It doesn't have a huge negative effect, a huge positive effect. But I do think it looks morally wrong to me, I guess I would say.
MARK SHIELDS: Those studies were done after 2012, when the effort, the all-out effort by a very well-financed campaign to get people to the polls.
You wonder why people don't take you seriously?
by liberals, no, but i never let white liberals set my priorities tho, so its all good
Knowing what the Republican Party has now metastasized into, a party that radically acts to preserve a system of white supremacy, how can anyone possibly believe their zealous pursuit of these voting ID laws isn't designed for the express purpose of hindering certain demographics - blacks, specifically - from exercising their right to vote? This party and its supporters are waging a wholesale assault on black America, whether it is through this or other issues, such as healthcare and other services our disproportionately impoverished community struggles to receive. Their agenda is naked and unapologetic in its intent, and black people will suffer immensely if nothing is done about it.
Black, Black People, Blacks, the B should be uppercase have some fukking pride.
everything else is on point
Knowing what the Republican Party has now metastasized into, a party that radically acts to preserve a system of white supremacy, how can anyone possibly believe their zealous pursuit of these voting ID laws isn't designed for the express purpose of hindering certain demographics - blacks, specifically - from exercising their right to vote? This party and its supporters are waging a wholesale assault on black America, whether it is through this or other issues, such as healthcare and other services our disproportionately impoverished community struggles to receive. Their agenda is naked and unapologetic in its intent, and black people will suffer immensely if nothing is done about it.
i think if black people are stopped from voting by this pathetic law, i think black people have to look in the mirror and discuss what the hell we are doing wrong
i totally agree that this law is trying to stop black people from voting, i just dont think its gonna work, so i would lose zero sleep over it