Another false statement, you see this is exactly why I stopped talking to you because you're denser than a rock.he's going to play with the definition of fiscal conservative and fiscal responsible, which he believes aren't related and that you cannot be fiscally conservative and still expect a governmental, private, and social role in ensuring people are treated fairly, equally, and with respect. Remove govenment out of peoples lives and you will see more people doing for themselves and communities that's human intuition and tendency
You parrot GOP nonsense about the "government being in people's lives" when that's a completely false connotation.
Providing things like single payer health care, a social safety net, maternity & paternity leave, tuition free college, and more public works, etc is not the government "being in your lives". It's the government doing what it's supposed to do.
The government is supposed to help out it's citizens and be a force for good. A responsible and fair government is supposed to be the agent of change. That is the basic tenet of social liberalism. For example, you can't be an environmentalist and say that you want "limited government". That's because who is going to stop private companies from exploiting the environment? Oh yeah, THE F*CKING GOVERNMENT.
Also, none of the stuff I mentioned is the government being "in your life". The government being "in your life" is if the government is spying on you, the government telling you who you can marry, the government patrolling every neighborhood using the military, so on and so forth.
However, you will continue to be obtuse and that's why I leave people like you alone.
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