Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Meg Whitman.Who is left to emerge? Everyone is already running.

Meg Whitman.Who is left to emerge? Everyone is already running.
rubio>cruz all day.
just sayin....
after the debate they made slight mention of some of the topics they "didnt have time for"Let's look at all the issues CNN decided weren't very important:
Hardly any substantive talk about the economy
Barely touched on the Syrian refugee problem
Police brutality/misconduct
Aside from wanting to get rid of Planned Parenthood there was no real discussion on women's health
Voting rights
Workers rights
Anything having to do with black people in this country
i wanna see him sack up on that issueI think it's funny that Ted Cruz said they should drink more in order to come to agreements on political issues (and every fukktard in the audience cheered) while everyone up there opposes legalization of marijuana despite the science showing that alcohol has waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more of a detrimental effect on the body than weed does.
God dammit Obama...give us one more thing before you leave...if anyone can do it, it's you and right now while all these idiots are distracted by Trump and Hillary.
Ted Cruz has such a punchable, sleazy face. He looks like he would be selling Oreck vacuum cleaners as a door-to-door salesman if he wasn't a politician.
Why are people saying Fiorina won? She sounded like a psycho talking about Iran
don't know who's gonna get elected but in terms of the debate I think trump and fiorina stood out the most. felt like they were the only alphas on stage. jeb tried to go back at trump but trump proved his dikk was way, wayyy bigger and he just wasn't having it.
Jeb looked like a beta.
true but you could tell fiorina has a temperament to her that the other candidates excluding trump just don't have. I feel like she would eat those guys alive.Christie looked like an alpha too. Trump and him were buddying it up the whole time like a couple of pitbulls at a yorkie party and never really went at each other directly.
Jeb was the littlest man out there with Rand right behind him. They got sonned so much that I felt sorry for their families having to be related to such pussies.
Fiorina only looked good because she got the softball question about her fukked up face and had a slick prepared response - on everything else she looked like a maniac. And she almost started crying when Trump was going at her about her terrible, awful, unforgettable career record. I get the media is pushing her hard, but I personally can't see it.
I don't even remember anyone else because after the first hour I used their time to dap coli posts.
They did the same thing after the Fox debate.Why are people saying Fiorina won? She sounded like a psycho talking about Iran
But they also got exposed as being a shytty supposed news organization.Cnn won, 20 million people watched the debate, there biggest show ever.
Exposed? Its fair to say all of the media news network are beyond terribleBut they also got exposed as being a shytty supposed news organization.
true but you could tell fiorina has a temperament to her that the other candidates excluding trump just don't have. I feel like she would eat those guys alive.
Trump and Carly came off like ruthless killers. Christie I just don't buy.