OMG, my dude....
I grew up with great parents (And they still are), don't get me wrong. But they weren't ones to try and censor things from me as a youngster. I remember being like 5 years old, watching Stephen Kings "It" with my sister. I was all about Jason, and Nightmare, and even more sexual movies like Species when I was growing up. NONE of that shyt ever used to really phase me, I'd watch Freddy cut up some teens and then go sleep like a baby. But this Tailypo story....

This shyt
I still remember the first time I heard this story, back in elementary school. The school I went to used to run a day care type of thing after classes ended. Me and my brother would have to occasionally go. There was one year in particular where we had to go quite often because of some scheduling things with my parents. Anyways, the daycare teacher read this story to a group of kids, not sure if it's the same book you posted, but it was an illustrated book, and she was a very good reader.
No homo/no sissy/no metaphysics....but for a long ass time, when I was laying in bed ready to go to sleep, I would have this fear that the Tailypo was at the foot of my bed, ready to lunge at my black ass.
Taiiily-pooo, taaaaaiiiiillllyyyyy-poooooo...all I want is my taily-po....
[ame=""]The Old Man and the Taily-po - YouTube[/ame]
^ Someone has made a decent short movie of it.