Empire strikes back
again, Im not talking about making a call but browsing the net or sending texts.do you look at your phone while in class? yes, why? to check the time or a text message/calendar. you can do that with the glasses. all they have to do is give you a "display" button on the arms of the glasses. just like the unsleep button you have on your phone. one tap, and bam everything is up on your glasses that you put there(text messages, the time, weather, tasks, events,) your choice how you set up that page of course.
now again if you have to make a phone call in a crowded or loud place ANYWAY. a pulled down extra thin mic would be just like you putting your square phone to your ear and mouth. no difference.
the same rules apply if you're in the club.
and speaking of the club. imagine this.. you're outside getting a few chicks numbers. if you get enough of these numbers over the weekend or a few days time. you will forget which face goes with what name and number. imagine asking these chicks for their phone number. while you're recording their voice. the numbers are being entered into your glasses. then it takes a picture automatically(you have this set, in the settings). Bam every number you got, you have the face to go with it. now thats playa innovation right chea
this shyt cant replace phones fast. the ability to send a text or look at a webpage without saying anything is undervalued