It's not the coach...they just don't have the right pieces in Places
This sum of this team is basically a great bench
Nice role players but no real horses
On top of that they are young now I don't know if this is why they are also basketball stupid because the shot selection and situational ball playing is terrible
It's possible the coach needs more time with some of these young guys and it's also possible they're not that good
Time will tell but I think It's a lil of both
I'd blow this thing up now cause with the Heat & d. rose
around they'll never get out of the east
No Doug is a very good coach but he does have a part in some of the losses this season and in the playoffs. But the idea of getting Doug to leave is out of the question, he the best thing to happen to this team since A.I and LB. And the players themselves have a big part to play as well for their inconsistency.
Lavoy should have been starting for Hawes this series the Bulls series Hawes showed up but outside of the 1st game Spence never showed up, meanwhile Lavoy was consistant with his jumper and played very good defense on Garnett. Lou was trash the entire playoffs save maybe 2 games, Meeks should have never touched the floor because he added nothing.
Doug falls in love with certain players and mask their faults, but I think if we had a real training camp and practice time the young guys may have been alot better. Most of these cats had to learn how to play with each other during the games. ET is still coming along so is Jrue. Honestly I never though they would play well together but this playoff run they played damn good ball together, they weren't always consistent but they showed they can be a very good backcourt.
Turner should have the ball in his hands, whether running point or point forward he is alot more effective in that position than at the 2. Jrue should move to the 2 because offensively he's shown alot more potential this season, but he's regressed as a pg. I said since last season the Sixers should have brought in a veteran pg to share time with Jrue to work on his pg skills. Turner has to work on his mental game and not making dumb basketball decisions, which I see now is why Doug may have pulled him so during the season much. But at the same time Lou would make consistently make plays that would have me at home like

please trade this nikka
Also I think the Sixers have to right core in Jrue,Evan,Iggy,Lavoy,and Thad they just need bigs and a scorer, don't let the media hype fool you Lou is not the guy we should be relying on to get us a bucket. If we could some how afford both Humphries and Kaman I think we're looking at a completely different team.