My son has a high bmi. He’s tall for his age and weighs a lot but he’s very muscular.
I’ve noticed in his class kids are either frail looking, lanky, fat, or doughy soft like. My son on the other hand is solid—every part of him is just hard and defined already. He got strong calves just like me.
His frame overall is still somewhat slim. When he’s dressed he looks average in weight(not too thin, not fat, etc) but that boy is heavy and dense. It’s hard to explain but He’s def. a mesomorph.
With the right workout plan, He’s going to be so swole when he gets older, one of those brehs who’s going to put on muscle easy peasy. I can already tell.
I’ll probably start working his little ass out and get him into weight lifting in a few years(he’s only in second grade lol!!!!) as he approaches puberty.
I’ve noticed since he stopped eating oatmeal for breakfast, and started only eating yogurt and meat he’s lost a few pounds.
Carbs are the devil of us all.