The fukk you talking about? nikka do you know what OUR Olympic mascots were?No wonder they got nuked and still to this day haven't asserted themselves. Your country is hosting the Olympics and will feature an animated character as the official mascot. Pathetic. Is Godzilla their national animal too?
They reaching for a young audience with old ass cartoons
shyt might be lit though, might need to make a trip to Japan for the olympics
Ima check itDragon Ball super is
I like the old drawingsbetter..
Vegeta is my dog but he was flawed like a muhfukka. Not a good leader at all. And he is my fave character from DBZ. Let me break this shyt down.
Threw his homeboy Nappa out into battle, and watched him get his ass kicked to King Kai's place. That nikka was never a boss in his own right; he started working for the very dude who killed his father, so the whole universe saw him as a bytch slave to Frieza. You got pink muhfukkas like Dodoria shytting on the legacy
He finally meets one fukking Saiyan family and he tries to annihilate them so that he can live forever. Never mind the fact that he could make peace with them, get immortal from the dragon balls, and raise Trunks to be GOAT if he would just check his fukking ego!
I won't go into how in DBZ the saiyans were like black folks. I will just say that Goku is GOAT, and Vegeta is great, but Goku is great because of the principles he stands upon.
Fam vegeta aint the main charactertoriyama won, vegeta stans in shambles
Vegeta is great leader...
He killed all of ginyu squad when Goku showed mercy like a moron.
He save goku from the androids when his heart virus kicked in at the wrong time.
Cell was beating Gohan until vegeta dropped a Galik gun on cell which allowed cell to be finished off.
Landed hits on lord beerus at super sayin 2 when goku couldn't touch beerus at ssj3.
He dominates goku black during their last fight.
He beat the most people at the universal tournament.
Blew himself up in attempt to beat fat buu.
It was vegeta's idea to beat kid buu with the spirit bomb.