I’ve heard it’s not necessarily hidden loading screens, which is even more annoying
Tre yappin ass solves em for you
So then the question becomes.
Why would they need to lock you off in a specific location?
The squeeze through portion may not be the loading screen itself, but the whole point of funneling you into a specific location and trapping you there is so that they can load and render a great amount of detail in that space.
It’s why open world games tend to have less detail in any given space.
If the devs know exactly where you will be, what you can see, and what you will interact with, then they can put more detail into the scene.
In an open world game, the devs can’t know exactly where you will be and when, or what you will chose to interact with so they can’t pack as much detail into each scene cause you might chose to turn around, so they need to have all locations/perspectives loaded and ready to go