The closet thing to a cult in the United stats is the GOP specifically the further to the right you get in that party.
Liberals and Progressives barely agree on anything. That's actually massive issue for the left. This is just projection from another one of the boards biggest fascist bootlickers
I’ll bite. I get that we all have strong feelings about politics, but it's good to look at the whole picture.
First, saying the GOP, especially the more conservative members, is like a cult is too simple. The Republican Party has lots of different views, from middle-of-the-road to very conservative. It's not fair to say everyone in the party thinks the same.
Also, the idea that liberals and progressives can't agree on much isn't totally true. They usually agree on big things like needing better healthcare, fighting climate change, and supporting equal rights. They might not agree on how to do it, but they want the same things.
Using 'projection' in politics can be tricky. It's a psychology thing where you think others have the same traits you do. But we can't really know what's going on in someone's head just by what they say in politics.
Lastly, it's important to not make personal attacks in political talks. Calling someone names doesn't help anyone understand each other better. It's better to talk about the actual issues and facts.
So, even if we get heated about politics, it's best to stay respectful and focus on what really matters, not just on what makes us different. Therefore, the tale as old as time typical relationship dynamic of a more right leaning and more left leaning relationship, is frequently exhibited.