Glen Davis tells his side of the fraud story...ngl its kind of convincing...[EDIT: well... it's interesting lol]


Empire strikes back
Apr 30, 2012
The Yay
Haven't watched and I'm on the same page with people talking about being allergic to bs, but here's a question for people with a 'do the crime, do the time' attitude:

does anyone genuinely think 40 months of prison time or whatever it is will help this person rehabilitate and learn his lesson and such and come out a better person with society at large benefitting from it?

I mean, as annoying as it may be to listen to self-pitying hypocrites trying to excuse their behavior and talk their way out of a situation they created themselves, is this person really that big of a threat to society that he needs to be put in a cage over this sh*t?

It just feels counter-productive and sadistic to use that kind of punishment for this kind of offense. This isn't asking for pity for this liar, but simply to ask what our purpose really even is with this kind of punishment for this (or any such crimes)?
Jail time is a good enough deterrent for many. Especially those with a lot of money. What good are fines if you still come out ahead? It needs to be a meaningful punishment, not an expense.


Him Downstairs
May 1, 2012
Haven't watched and I'm on the same page with people talking about being allergic to bs, but here's a question for people with a 'do the crime, do the time' attitude:

does anyone genuinely think 40 months of prison time or whatever it is will help this person rehabilitate and learn his lesson and such and come out a better person with society at large benefitting from it?

I mean, as annoying as it may be to listen to self-pitying hypocrites trying to excuse their behavior and talk their way out of a situation they created themselves, is this person really that big of a threat to society that he needs to be put in a cage over this sh*t?

It just feels counter-productive and sadistic to use that kind of punishment for this kind of offense. This isn't asking for pity for this liar, but simply to ask what our purpose really even is with this kind of punishment for this (or any such crimes)?
ninja please

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
at the very least, Big Baby is an idiot for going along with anything Terrence Williams was involved in. T Will going back to his UofL days was known as an idiot horn dog who had all the potential in the world but dude was a a$$hole. if that’s your ringleader you deserve to get caught.


Aug 18, 2013
I dont see why so many people think he was bullshytting. I think I once committed a home invasion unknowingly. There are people out here who have no problem dragging you into a crime without giving you the option to choose. As well as people who are genuinely trying to help you, But either dont know they are breaking the law when they "put you up on game:mjgrin:". Or know,but have been made to believe while it is a crime, Its a crime that everybody does and nobody gets caught for.

People acting like we didnt just see this type of thing with PPP loans:francis:#FreeDonDiego

I didnt see him bullshytting us here. He said he started out not knowing,but gradually caught on "something was up". Just like me with the home invasion,sometimes once your too far in,its not as easy to figure the best way out. Or youve already done too much,so you might as well go all the way:francis:. I do believe he got drug into this possibly unknowingly. They only want to give him time because he dared to take it to trial. This is the Europeans way of sending a message to take whatever they offer the first time. Hes probably both innocent and guilty. Innocently dragged into it,guilty for not getting out or snitching.

How do you "accidentally" get involved in a home invasion?

Whats the story behind that

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
How do you "accidentally" get involved in a home invasion?

Whats the story behind that

Its easier than it sounds.

I had a truck,and a older cat asked me if i wanted to make a quick 150$ to help him move some stuff from his place. I agreed,when we got to "his place" he pretended to have misplaced his key and said "let me go around to the back:mjgrin:".
I heard glass break,and that sent my anteannas up. But the way we went in around back,i didnt see broken glass so i thought maybe i was tripping.

So we load some items up into my truck. Going back n forth i start to notice the pictures on the wall seem to be of a white family,and not a single picture of him. I ask him mid move,if this was his place because of the pictures. And because he looks like hes looking for things rather than moving.He laughed it off like it was a crazy question. I did my part asking,so technically im still innocent:hubie:

And I wont lie,at this point i just want to get out and get that 150$. We finish the job,i grab the strap to keep on me in case he wants to kill me rather than pay the $150. You really cant trust a thief.

So you see,its a grey area. Theres an argument that Im completely innocent,but in the eyes of the law im probably guilty somehow. He paid the 150$ so he may have been a completley law biding citizen trying to start a fledgling moving business:respect:


Sep 11, 2015
20 minutes in and this is straight up one of the dumbest interviews I ever seen.

He lucky he didn't do this shyt before his trial he probably would have gotten more years tacked on.

Van aint shyt either talking that I want my family to tell their side of the story stuff and he aint do shyt but give Big Baby the opportunity to embarrass himself and tell ridiculous lies on camera. I hate nikkas like that and I always thought Van was a scheming ass clown cause he always doing fukk shyt like this.

Chick in this low key making sure Big Baby admits to all the shyt he did. "BUT YOU DIDNT GET THE ROOT CANAL RIGHT? BUT YOU SIGNED OFF ON IT RIGHT"

Nasty work:scust:. It's like they legit said "let's try to make one more dollar off this nikka before he get thrown in a cage"

60 days after Big Baby been in jail someone should ask Van if he "talked to his cousin". I'd bet every dollar I got in every bank account I got the answer will be "No."

Breh ive been laughing at this post for 10 minutes straight lmao

Van is a grimy ass dude man, lmao smh

I know a slew of nikkas like him lol smh


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
Its easier than it sounds.

I had a truck,and a older cat asked me if i wanted to make a quick 150$ to help him move some stuff from his place. I agreed,when we got to "his place" he pretended to have misplaced his key and said "let me go around to the back:mjgrin:".
I heard glass break,and that sent my anteannas up. But the way we went in around back,i didnt see broken glass so i thought maybe i was tripping.

So we load some items up into my truck. Going back n forth i start to notice the pictures on the wall seem to be of a white family,and not a single picture of him. I ask him mid move,if this was his place because of the pictures. And because he looks like hes looking for things rather than moving.He laughed it off like it was a crazy question. I did my part asking,so technically im still innocent:hubie:

And I wont lie,at this point i just want to get out and get that 150$. We finish the job,i grab the strap to keep on me in case he wants to kill me rather than pay the $150. You really cant trust a thief.

So you see,its a grey area. Theres an argument that Im completely innocent,but in the eyes of the law im probably guilty somehow. He paid the 150$ so he may have been a completley law biding citizen trying to start a fledgling moving business:respect:
seems like you described burglary/residential burglary and not home invasion, unless i'm missing something.

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
Its easier than it sounds.

I had a truck,and a older cat asked me if i wanted to make a quick 150$ to help him move some stuff from his place. I agreed,when we got to "his place" he pretended to have misplaced his key and said "let me go around to the back:mjgrin:".
I heard glass break,and that sent my anteannas up. But the way we went in around back,i didnt see broken glass so i thought maybe i was tripping.

So we load some items up into my truck. Going back n forth i start to notice the pictures on the wall seem to be of a white family,and not a single picture of him. I ask him mid move,if this was his place because of the pictures. And because he looks like hes looking for things rather than moving.He laughed it off like it was a crazy question. I did my part asking,so technically im still innocent:hubie:

And I wont lie,at this point i just want to get out and get that 150$. We finish the job,i grab the strap to keep on me in case he wants to kill me rather than pay the $150. You really cant trust a thief.

So you see,it’s a grey area. Theres an argument that Im completely innocent,but in the eyes of the law im probably guilty somehow. He paid the 150$ so he may have been a completley law biding citizen trying to start a fledgling moving business:respect:

You should have shot that nikka simply for hitting a lick and stealing family pictures smh


Aug 18, 2013
seems like you described burglary/residential burglary and not home invasion, unless i'm missing something.

Aren't burglary and home invasion very similar in the court of law?

If anything, it sounds like an aggressive prosecutor who is looking for any description had has a longer sentence


Hale End
Jan 17, 2013
The Arsenal
Aren't burglary and home invasion very similar in the court of law?

If anything, it sounds like an aggressive prosecutor who is looking for any description had has a longer sentence

A burglary is home invasion,unless you kill,rob or kidnap someone.

Edit-I may be wrong.
for home invasion someone has to at least be present in the home before you even get into the other stuff (like making threats, having a weapon, etc). home invasion is much more serious than what was described.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
for home invasion someone has to at least be present in the home before you even get into the other stuff (like making threats, having a weapon, etc). home invasion is much more serious than what was described.

Just to be clear for any potential criminals who may be watching.

"In California, a burglary is committed when a person enters a vehicle or building with the intent to commit a crime.
A home invasion – sometimes referred to as residential burglary – is essentially a burglary of a home that is inhabited. Home invasions are charged as First Degree Burglary in California, under Penal Code 460."


"California law defines “inhabited” as meaning a building that is “currently being used for dwelling purposes, whether occupied or not.” Notice that the law does not require anybody to be present at the time of the crime.
It’s also important to note that a dwelling need not be a house or a apartment nor does it need to be a primary residence.
It can be a vacation home, RV, houseboat, or other premises used for dwelling purposes."

I think your mostly right about what most people think of when they hear the word home invasion. But i think it varies based on the state. Some will list it as "home invasion burglary" or "home invasion robbery" to differentiate what you did while inside.