yeah it wasnt a legal or constitutional question because the government wasnt involved but it was a question about what was acceptable for a person to say in public,
when people say its freedom of speech they are extending the constitutional concept of freedom of speech to the commercial world and im saying the standard has to be that you are harming somebody not just simply expressing an opinion, so he had a legit defense IMO that he was just expressing opinion
and vice versa the corporate entity also has the right to cancel a contract unless they are harming somebody or breaking the contract
i think its an issue for a lot of people but it's just not an issue that makes me lose sleep at night unless you show me somebody is being harmed, the issue of harm is why i file it under freedom of speech, there is nobody being harmed therefore its not really that serious
You should be completely embarrassed by your performance in this thread. Your lack of soundness, and coherency, in thought and opinion is mind boggling to read.
You should be completely embarrassed by your performance in this thread. Your lack of soundness, and coherency, in thought and opinion is mind boggling to read.
this would be perfect time for a black person to say something....
anyone wanna push the boundaries of "free" "speech" and see whether they're gonna support in numbers?!
you'll get away with it now...
I got no quarrel with gay people so not sure what all the animus toward them in this thread is about. I do have an issue with their often misguided and usually opportunistic co-opting of our civil rights movement but I do think it is somewhat hypocritical for us as black Americans to complain because most of us, if we are truthful, can admit that we are enjoying a legacy of civil rights that we(our generation) did nothing to earn. We complain about white privilege and rightfully so but then we enjoy unprecedented freedoms as black people in a country where we could be hung on a courthouse lawn 50 years ago for things like miscegenation. You don't climb the ladder and then kick it down so others can't follow you up to the next level. That is just selfishness.
dude needs to come out and ride this wave. where the fuq is he..