@Gizmo Duck lost it this morning

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Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
@MeachTheMonster Wake your goofy ass up you dusty snitch

Brother Duck best be free within the hour or sending more nikkaz in front of your crib then that Malcom X scene


PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
man can one of yall please provide some cliffs for those of us out of the loop. :mjgrin: or maybe update the OP? what the fukk happened with dude.
Basically what Meach said but I made an exposal thread about him yesterday and his response to it was more muted than I expected.
I honestly think exposing that he don't play online or coop games hit a nerve.

How can you take his opinion seriously on those games if he openly admits he don't play them or care for them?
It was a checkmate moment :francis:
Man Free the Duck right fukkin now
Howard the duck will be back one day, likely with a different name at first :jbhmm:
Word. Dudes been my source for gaming news since before I started posting here lol.
:laff: And thats why you are so MISINFORMED. This dude takes a story then puts his playstation spin on it.
I get the tactic (I damn near invented it) but I don't believe all our info should be presented from a totally biased perspective.
For instance, I like Uncharted more than the average sony gamer. I'm not going to say Uncharted is trash, Fatboi played the role for years and he's always on Gears and Halo. Gizmo don't even play online or coop games but has shaped your opinion on dozens of online games

You don't see nothing wrong with that tho right, and gamepass is trash. Ok, moving on...

As for gaming news, what made this place great and why it exist as it does today is because this place used to be GREAT
Everyone posted gaming stories. IN fact, to best explain how it worked. Look at the coliseum. The sports section.
If any big story drops, lets say the boston coach or better yet the phoenix suns owner saying he don't like ******s or some shyt
AS soon as that stroy breaks, people are rushing to be first to post it.

IT used to be like that here. There was a balanace. Then other posters would try to be the dominant poster of news.
@Kamikaze Revy once had the role, @Fatboi1 many many others over the years. I was once that guy as well
I started posting in 03' so I seen it all. The gaming news will continue. Gizmo will be back soon enough
A permanently online poster who treats console wars like a blood feud is an unhinged weirdo? :ohhh:

shyt was clear from day one that mf wasn't right in the head. I seen too many freaks come through SOHH and the Coli not to notice.
On some real shyt, I do notice a lil Dboy in him which has me mildly concerned about his overall safety and mental health
If he got hit by a car for instance, we'll be like "Dammn, he offed himself beause of the coli :damn:"


Mar 17, 2022
Basically what Meach said but I made an exposal thread about him yesterday and his response to it was more muted than I expected.
I honestly think exposing that he don't play online or coop games hit a nerve.

How can you take his opinion seriously on those games if he openly admits he don't play them or care for them?
It was a checkmate moment :francis:

Howard the duck will be back one day, likely with a different name at first :jbhmm:

:laff: And thats why you are so MISINFORMED. This dude takes a story then puts his playstation spin on it.
I get the tactic (I damn near invented it) but I don't believe all our info should be presented from a totally biased perspective.
For instance, I like Uncharted more than the average sony gamer. I'm not going to say Uncharted is trash, Fatboi played the role for years and he's always on Gears and Halo. Gizmo don't even play online or coop games but has shaped your opinion on dozens of online games

You don't see nothing wrong with that tho right, and gamepass is trash. Ok, moving on...

As for gaming news, what made this place great and why it exist as it does today is because this place used to be GREAT
Everyone posted gaming stories. IN fact, to best explain how it worked. Look at the coliseum. The sports section.
If any big story drops, lets say the boston coach or better yet the phoenix suns owner saying he don't like ******s or some shyt
AS soon as that stroy breaks, people are rushing to be first to post it.

IT used to be like that here. There was a balanace. Then other posters would try to be the dominant poster of news.
@Kamikaze Revy once had the role, @Fatboi1 many many others over the years. I was once that guy as well
I started posting in 03' so I seen it all. The gaming news will continue. Gizmo will be back soon enough

On some real shyt, I do notice a lil Dboy in him which has me mildly concerned about his overall safety and mental health
If he got hit by a car for instance, we'll be like "Dammn, he offed himself beause of the coli :damn:"

Fam I know you not talking about misinformation and biases here lol

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
Basically what Meach said but I made an exposal thread about him yesterday and his response to it was more muted than I expected.
I honestly think exposing that he don't play online or coop games hit a nerve.

How can you take his opinion seriously on those games if he openly admits he don't play them or care for them?
It was a checkmate moment :francis:

Howard the duck will be back one day, likely with a different name at first :jbhmm:

:laff: And thats why you are so MISINFORMED. This dude takes a story then puts his playstation spin on it.
I get the tactic (I damn near invented it) but I don't believe all our info should be presented from a totally biased perspective.
For instance, I like Uncharted more than the average sony gamer. I'm not going to say Uncharted is trash, Fatboi played the role for years and he's always on Gears and Halo. Gizmo don't even play online or coop games but has shaped your opinion on dozens of online games

You don't see nothing wrong with that tho right, and gamepass is trash. Ok, moving on...

As for gaming news, what made this place great and why it exist as it does today is because this place used to be GREAT
Everyone posted gaming stories. IN fact, to best explain how it worked. Look at the coliseum. The sports section.
If any big story drops, lets say the boston coach or better yet the phoenix suns owner saying he don't like ******s or some shyt
AS soon as that stroy breaks, people are rushing to be first to post it.

IT used to be like that here. There was a balanace. Then other posters would try to be the dominant poster of news.
@Kamikaze Revy once had the role, @Fatboi1 many many others over the years. I was once that guy as well
I started posting in 03' so I seen it all. The gaming news will continue. Gizmo will be back soon enough

On some real shyt, I do notice a lil Dboy in him which has me mildly concerned about his overall safety and mental health
If he got hit by a car for instance, we'll be like "Dammn, he offed himself beause of the coli :damn:"

such a long-winded faggit lol
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