I need to watch the last film again cause all this clearly went over my head...
-Used “force heal” on a random sand worm and Kylo Ren to save him from death. (Kylo uses it and of course dies after)
-Used force lightning on a transport ship as she is fighting for control of it. ( To even use force lightning you have to be heavily in tune with the dark-side and, prior to disney’s takeover, hit by it. Rey never experienced either of these on screen.)
-Used force teleportation to give Kylo Ren her lightsaber. (Not sure the extent of this but has the potential to lead to future plot holes.)
-Defeats Sideous, a dark lord of the sith, by reflecting force lightning. (Supposedly reflecting lightning is a technique that only Mace Windu could do, its not available to everyone.)
So honestly with this power set and the fact the sith order is destroyed, theres literally nothing that can be a threat to her. They would have to nerf her extremely hard.