Given Up On Student Loan Payments


May 3, 2012
do you own the means of production, brother? if not you are a fellow slave

do you have to work for a living? if so, you are a slave, brother

I knew we were playing fast and loose with the word slave, but damn... anyway, pay your debt.

Edit: and stop the blood clot crying.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
she coulda gone to a state school :comeon:

the system is GARBAGE in this country but no one made her take a path that put her almost 200k in debt, im sorry but thats just absurd


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
no sympathy from me :yeshrug:

you signed on the dotted line

universities are BUSINESS' first..

and the GOVT (only way to get a student loan) has NEVER been in the business of helping you out financially

Sallie Mae is not the government


Jun 22, 2012
These motherfukkers think colleges created basket weaving degrees because there was demand for it.

Colleges are a business and it's been run as such.


Jun 23, 2012
No one pays a debt if they don't have to. People only pay a debt if they want to....


There is a lot to be said about someone who doesn't pay back what they owe in any capacity. Some of you have beat people up over money that you lent and wasn't paid back. Talking about "I can't stand when I lend someone money and they don't pay it back". Same shyt with borrowing money for school or anything else. You don't have to take out loans in order to go to college.
Jul 26, 2012

There is a lot to be said about someone who doesn't pay back what they owe in any capacity. Some of you have beat people up over money that you lent and wasn't paid back. Talking about "I can't stand when I lend someone money and they don't pay it back". Same shyt with borrowing money for school or anything else. You don't have to take out loans in order to go to college.


How is someone who is smart enough to go to college but comes from a poor family gonna afford tuition?

He/She can do community college at first to mitigate cost, but when its time to go to a state school, then what?

Personal loans are a different animal and to be honest, when I loan money out, I don't expect it back, but that's just me.....

However, if I were to borrow money from someone(a person, not an entity), I will make sure they got their money back by any means.

Personal loans are just that, personal, so I look at them entirely different than a loan from a financial institution that has your debt insured 2 times over just in case you don't pay em......

What type of entity loans someone money, knowing that they won't be able to pay it back......??



Jun 23, 2012

How is someone who is smart enough to go to college but comes from a poor family gonna afford tuition?

He/She can do community college at first to mitigate cost, but when its time to go to a state school, then what?

Personal loans are a different animal and to be honest, when I loan money out, I don't expect it back, but that's just me.....

However, if I were to borrow money from someone(a person, not an entity), I will make sure they got their money back by any means.

Personal loans are just that, personal, so I look at them entirely different than a loan from a financial institution that has your debt insured 2 times over just in case you don't pay em......

What type of entity loans someone money, knowing that they won't be able to pay it back......??


-Start saving early
-Scholarships (There are tons and not just for sports)
-Work while you're in school
-A combination of all 3

Don't give me that "Poor" crap either. Yes, some people are legit poor and don't have it and others claim they are poor yet have iphones and the latest fashions.


yea, maybe if youre a rothschild. to a competitive school? fukk yea you do

No you don't. Most ivy league or other competitive schools have money for low income families. It's just a matter of the students applying and having good grades. A low income person is probably not going to even apply to say, Harvard, because they think they can't afford it but the reality is, if they have good grades then will qualify for scholarships...full rides in a lot of cases.

Parents also need to save and research early in their child's academic career if they want them to go to good schools. 18 years is enough to map out a college plan for your child along with a way to fund it.

Aside from all that a valuable degree at the local state college is certainly affordable and adequate enough for the average person trying to get a job in corporate America or any job for that matter.


Apr 30, 2012
-Start saving early
-Scholarships (There are tons and not just for sports)
-Work while you're in school
-A combination of all 3

Don't give me that "Poor" crap either. Yes, some people are legit poor and don't have it and others claim they are poor yet have iphones and the latest fashions.

1. Every time you post you come off as if you scolding people, but half of the time you're being completely unrealistic and appealing to antiquated notions of "rugged individualism." You have no sense of balance. Let's just start here. Using iphones and things of that sort as some sort of sign that one can then afford college if they just saved is foolish. That's a drop in a bucket, and any conversation that even attempts to use that as any sort of an example of a lack of responsibility is coming from a disconnected and uninformed point of view (please save me the personal anecdotes, we're talking on a large scale now).

Now that point is out of the way, you just said that people should start saving early. Now how exactly is a poor parent going to start saving early, when middle class families can't even do it and even upper middle class families have their children taking out loans....what you're saying is borderline nonsensical. You can save up all you want, but if you have three children, it's impossible to save up for all three of them to go to college and still maintain any sort of middle class lifestyle particularly when college tuition rates have risen higher than anything over the last 20 years. Anything.

2. Then you said to work while you're in school. Work study is nowhere near enough to cover anything. So I assume you're saying that students should work full time and go to school part time or something along those lines, or maybe they should set up their schedule around their working hours. Despite, how incredibly inconvenient that would be, it is entirely unsustainable for poor and lower middle class families. Those communities have the fewest jobs in the first place, and it's completely implausible to suggest that 17 and 18 year olds, who have the highest unemployment rates in this country are going to go find jobs that will support their college education. Now, I know some people do it. They luck out and get a job that will allow them to pay for community college for two years and then they transfer to a bigger school, usually with good financial aid. This plan will not work on a mass scale. You're offering individual solutions for what is a collective problem. All the while ignoring the main question that no one is answering, why in the world is college tuition so expensive in the first place....

3. Then you mentioned scholarships, as someone who was on scholarships, let's be realistic, there are not nearly as many as you're suggesting and certainly not enough to sustain the majority of students going to college. Many STEM scholarships for minorities remain unfilled and unrewarded, but by and large, there is not this about of hundreds of millions of unused scholarships. They get awarded to someone more often than not.

No you don't. Most ivy league or other competitive schools have money for low income families. It's just a matter of the students applying and having good grades. A low income person is probably not going to even apply to say, Harvard, because they think they can't afford it but the reality is, if they have good grades then will qualify for scholarships...full rides in a lot of cases.

This is the only place where you're correct, but the vast majority of people aren't applying and going to these schools and even if more did, there are only X amount of spots. That doesn't solve the dilemma of everyone else going to less-heralded schools.

Parents also need to save and research early in their child's academic career if they want them to go to good schools. 18 years is enough to map out a college plan for your child along with a way to fund it.

Aside from all that a valuable degree at the local state college is certainly affordable and adequate enough for the average person trying to get a job in corporate America or any job for that matter.

This is just boiler plate rhetoric that fails to address any of the systemic problems. The local state degree, given what it charges, has a horrible ROI. Have you never researched these things....

That is why it makes no sense to take out enormous loans to go to such schools, and in that regard you are right and people should plan more and pay more attention and schools should be more honest about employment outcomes. You have this unrealistic notion that most people families can just save up 100k to 200k per child over the span of 18 years while wages have been stagnant, costs are up, state-funding to schools has been cut by a lot of Republican governors, etc. I have no idea what world you're living in. I'm saying that as someone who resides in a circle of people that did a lot of what you said. To expect that of everyone is unrealistic.
Jul 26, 2012
-Start saving early
-Scholarships (There are tons and not just for sports)
-Work while you're in school
-A combination of all 3

Don't give me that "Poor" crap either. Yes, some people are legit poor and don't have it and others claim they are poor yet have iphones and the latest fashions.

No you don't. Most ivy league or other competitive schools have money for low income families. It's just a matter of the students applying and having good grades. A low income person is probably not going to even apply to say, Harvard, because they think they can't afford it but the reality is, if they have good grades then will qualify for scholarships...full rides in a lot of cases.

Parents also need to save and research early in their child's academic career if they want them to go to good schools. 18 years is enough to map out a college plan for your child along with a way to fund it.

Aside from all that a valuable degree at the local state college is certainly affordable and adequate enough for the average person trying to get a job in corporate America or any job for that matter.

There are lot of middle class families that can't afford the following below....

So how is a poor person gonna be able to come up with the dough unless he\she takes out a loan...

UAB 80k
Alabama 60k
Auburn 60k

So basically, you're telling me that poor people don't exist. There is your perception or judgement of poor people, and then there is the real thing....

If someone having a burnt out I-phone equates to being able to afford 50k or greater in college tuition then :wow: I don't know what else to say to you.....

Where I stay, there may be 2-3 kids that have the aptitude for college.....

None of the 3 have the internet, and live with their grandparents....

Now tell me, who is going to do this research for them and find scholarship money for them....

And if they don't get a full ride, how will they finish school without taking out a loan..?
The scenario you describe is applicable to middle class and above, not working to lower class poor people


Apr 30, 2012
For the record, though cost of living needs to be taken into account (in which obviously elite schools in more affordable areas--or closer to them, I.E. Chicago, Northwestern, Michigan, etc. would rise), this is a picture of the ROI in college degrees:

Notice, no local run of the mill state schools sitting anywhere in the top 200 schools on that list (with like two exceptions). Another reason that it doesn't make sense to pay much to go to local schools, but it's also an indictment on the cost of colleges in general if these are the results you're getting.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
the government will get theirs

the government up here in canada will take your whole tax refund if you dont pay your student loans,

Toe Jay Simpson

May 12, 2012
Carmel City
Our generation is gonna make this come back on them, just like the housing loans

College is a business first, and they took advantage and preyed on the financial aspirations of the young and naive