Nobody black is rushing to see Gina Rodriguez either until she tweets about wanting more shyt for latinos

Didn't stop blacks from trying to give her a honorary black card as a "woman of color" while she was up and coming in Hollywood.
So either black elites in the industry tried to use her as well,or black elites who are ran by white elites were told to pigenhole her in the black category.
But thats not the point,the point is that those cacs Andrew and Rappaport feel comfortable speaking on black people because black people discussed one too many black topics with them in the past.
Or made them feel "invited to the barbeque". Its like if your girlfriend insults your family, and then you try to accuse her of hating your family.
Maybe she does,maybe she doesnt,you need to take responsibility for making her feel like family to the point she thought she could have even a SIMPLE opinion on mama

Nah keep mama name out of your mouth unless its in a positive way,and there wont be any problems.