They in America now. They black. fukk a colony flag.
"gives them a name and a face to their culture" They're black. No need for that extra smokescreen when you come up here. Keep that "Spicy Edition Flag Palette Swap" nikka shyt the fukk out of our mix, bro.
We made this BLACK THING what it is...#nohyphens unless it's AAGANG. Everybody else can drop their useless colonial trinkets. Everybody knows that black people live in Spanish colonies...and Portuguese colonies...and French colonies...and British colonies...and Dutch colonies...but guess what? They be running RIGHT OUT OF THEM shytS and moving DIRECTLY INTO African American neighborhoods...or nearby.

None of that matters and it's all a smoke screen. White people see BLACK.
They put those differences up front so they won't have to bear the full force of racism
"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbut wait, I'm not YOUR NEGRO".
Just like that c00nadian-Jamaican Malcolm Gladwell.
"See, my mom isn't a black jamaican, she's MIDDLE CLASS BROWN"
There is no need for Afro "Latinos" to bring their weirdo remixed Arab-Latin slave caste notions to the already fukked up USA racism pot. No we don't care...yes you are black...stop clustering with us when convenient and then congregating by language when the smoke clears...fukk all that...