Gina Rodriguez crying during Sway Interview

May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
I dont cape. I call facts breh
That's not 100% facts....SOME nikkas would get fukked up by Rican(s)...for being extra...MAYBE and Rican adjacent nikkas...but not most nikkas or everybody in any of those areas.
Especially places w/ :mjpls: latin kings...who got smashed the fukk out and are done. They were on that racist tip for a hella Ricans are bloods.
Black people SO DAMN KIND.
(I used to live in NY bro you can't pull game with me)...and nikkas didn't gaf about no ricans in Nicetown. Maybe Kensington and Fishtown...or Frankford...when I was over Frankford it was different.
nikkaS TRAVEL AND BE ALL UP IN Y'ALL can't pull nothing over on me.
Them nikkas be quiet af in Cleveland AND Chicago.


Apr 2, 2018
That distinction is just a smokescreen for the old nationality over race smokescreen.
Outside of the Northeast and Florida...they don't really matter nor would that distinction take hold enough for it to be more than mocked.
Why? Ethnicity doesn't matter...RACE does.
Ask a Rican who had to do a bid on the west coast where that boricua shyt goes.

You're a good poster but you're incorrect. Black people in a lot of Spanish and Portuguese colonies were and still are INVISIBLE in their countries. This is because Black people in Latin colonies were always told by the oppressor "we are one, we are Latin" but then were treated like n1663rs economically, politically, and socially where as Black people in Anglo colonies were told from day one YOU ARE n1663rs, you will never be nothing more than a n1663r, and we are White and we are supreme. The clear line in the sand drawn by the Anglo oppressors caused the Blacks in their colonies to develop their own identity because clearly them and "massa" were different.

If you were Black in a Latin colony and you were 3 generations removed from the original inhabitants you wouldn't even know what a Black identity was. You'd grow up speaking Spanish, you would go to a Catholic church, and you would sense that there was animosity but you wouldn't be able to connect it to you being African. You would look at it like Light skinned Latin people make fun of me because I'm a dark skinned Latin person. Since they didn't see a difference they never rose up and asked for Civil Rights because they didn't even know they were different.

That's why Afro-Latino is important because it gives a name and a face to a culture that is different than the dominant society's. It also allows them to craft their own narrative and find pride in their African heritage. Without the Afro-Latino designation it would be like Black people fighting for rights as simply "Americans"...which would require us to assimilate. I don't want to put on Birkenstocks and Cargo Shorts to be accepted by America...I want to them to accept me as a Black American with my AAVE speaking, Jazz listening, Collard Green eating, Stevie Wonder listening BLACK ASS aka African American! That is what Afro-Latino is...

Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
I don't think she is being fake. Gina posted this back in 2016.

#MovementMondays This is Laz Alonso. He was born in Washington DC of Afro-Cuban descent. You can find him currently on The Mysteries of Laura on NBC and in many movies including Avatar, Fast and the Furious, Miracles of St. Anna. He has been quoted saying "I have a Cuban influence from my ethnicity, so I feel 100 percent Cuban and 100 percent Black and nobody can take that away from me." In this country there has been an on going conversation about encompassing the Latino Community in one vision but that's impossible because we come in all different shades and sizes, with different traditions, different slang and different life experiences. It's not about understanding every little detail about the vast Latino communities but instead understanding that we have ancestry everywhere and are capable of looking many different ways and that being ok and acceptable! I want to celebrate our differences and I want to use our differences in the Latino community to bring us together as one. If we can highlight what makes our individual Latino culture (Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Chilean etc) special and yet unite as a whole then we can be empowered as a solid and strong community of 55 million plus. Our Latino community includes Afro Latinos, my amazing father Gino Rodriguez happens to be an Afro Latino. Pictured above is Laz Alonso, a phenomenal actor that can navigate through two different cultures and has the ability to celebrate and find pride versus limitations in both! Other Afro Latinos we have seen and can continue to celebrate include and are not limited to @zoesaldana #GinaTorres#LalaAnthony #ChristinaMilian#LaurenVelez tag your favorite Afro Latino and let's celebrate and unite via our many beautiful faces!

breh this the same bytch who said this

“I think it would be about Christopher Columbus coming over, the migration of the Spaniards, and the influence of the mixes [of people] in South America and in the Caribbean, Rodriguez said. “That’s were [where] my superhero movies would lay, like the 1400 or 1500’s.”


You gotta be a special kind of self hating motherfukker to want to celebrate the enslavement of Africans and the slaughter of indigenous people by cacs :picard:
May 30, 2014
Midwest/East Coast/Tx (Now in Canada)
You're a good poster but you're incorrect. Black people in a lot of Spanish and Portuguese colonies were and still are INVISIBLE in their countries. This is because Black people in Latin colonies were always told by the oppressor "we are one, we are Latin" but then were treated like n1663rs economically, politically, and socially where as Black people in Anglo colonies were told from day one YOU ARE n1663rs, you will never be nothing more than a n1663r, and we are White and we are supreme. The clear line in the sand drawn by the Anglo oppressors caused the Blacks in their colonies to develop their own identity because clearly them and "massa" were different.

If you were Black in a Latin colony and you were 3 generations removed from the original inhabitants you wouldn't even know what a Black identity was. You'd grow up speaking Spanish, you would go to a Catholic church, and you would sense that there was animosity but you wouldn't be able to connect it to you being African. You would look at it like Light skinned Latin people make fun of me because I'm a dark skinned Latin person. Since they didn't see a difference they never rose up and asked for Civil Rights because they didn't even know they were African.

That's why Afro-Latino is important because it gives them a name and a face to their culture that is different than the oppressor. It also allows them to craft their own narrative and find pride in their African heritage. Without the Afro-Latino designation it would be like Black people fighting for rights as simply "Americans"...which assimilates us. I don't want to put on Birkenstocks and Cargo Shorts to be accepted by America...I want to them to accept me as a Black American with my AAVE speaking, Jazz listening, Collard Green eating, Stevie Wonder listening BLACK ASS! That is what Afro-Latino is...
They in America now. They black. fukk a colony flag.
"gives them a name and a face to their culture" They're black. No need for that extra smokescreen when you come up here. Keep that "Spicy Edition Flag Palette Swap" nikka shyt the fukk out of our mix, bro.
We made this BLACK THING what it is...#nohyphens unless it's AAGANG. Everybody else can drop their useless colonial trinkets. Everybody knows that black people live in Spanish colonies...and Portuguese colonies...and French colonies...and British colonies...and Dutch colonies...but guess what? They be running RIGHT OUT OF THEM shytS and moving DIRECTLY INTO African American neighborhoods...or nearby.
None of that matters and it's all a smoke screen. White people see BLACK.
They put those differences up front so they won't have to bear the full force of racism
"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbut wait, I'm not YOUR NEGRO".
Just like that c00nadian-Jamaican Malcolm Gladwell.
"See, my mom isn't a black jamaican, she's MIDDLE CLASS BROWN"
There is no need for Afro "Latinos" to bring their weirdo remixed Arab-Latin slave caste notions to the already fukked up USA racism pot. No we don't care...yes you are black...stop clustering with us when convenient and then congregating by language when the smoke clears...fukk all that... :camby:


Apr 2, 2018
negged for being a dumb ass caping c00n :ehh:

nikka I have sperm in my ball sack that can take you in this conversation. Address my points or keep it moving...

Denoting latino culture when you're VERY MUCH VISIBLY just trying to shield yourself.
I remember when that lil Dominican in Florida started crying because the cop described him as black..."but I'm NOTTTTTTTTTTTTT"
Reminds me of those basic, goofy midwestern black girls who would say
"I'm black, irish, dominican, french, german" and all kinds of fukkshyt on Blackplanet...BEFORE nikkas was rapping about fukking any type of foreign chick.

Yeah but Domincans are known for their self-hate so why would you even use a nation full of c00nery as an example of Afro-Latino people. If you wanna know about the real movement listen to people like Tego Calderon that rep Afro-Latino to the fullest and call themselves Black all day. Even Don Omar reps his Blackness to the fullest he just doesn't bring it up cuz he knows Latino culture is racist AF and he isn't tryna mess up the bag.


Apr 2, 2018
They in America now. They black. fukk a colony flag.
"gives them a name and a face to their culture" They're black. No need for that extra smokescreen when you come up here. Keep that "Spicy Edition Flag Palette Swap" nikka shyt the fukk out of our mix, bro.
We made this BLACK THING what it is...#nohyphens unless it's AAGANG. Everybody else can drop their useless colonial trinkets. Everybody knows that black people live in Spanish colonies...and Portuguese colonies...and French colonies...and British colonies...and Dutch colonies...but guess what? They be running RIGHT OUT OF THEM shytS and moving DIRECTLY INTO African American neighborhoods...or nearby.
None of that matters and it's all a smoke screen. White people see BLACK.
They put those differences up front so they won't have to bear the full force of racism
"bbbbbbbbbbbbbbut wait, I'm not YOUR NEGRO".
Just like that c00nadian-Jamaican Malcolm Gladwell.
"See, my mom isn't a black jamaican, she's MIDDLE CLASS BROWN"
There is no need for Afro "Latinos" to bring their weirdo remixed Arab-Latin slave caste notions to the already fukked up USA racism pot. No we don't care...yes you are black...stop clustering with us when convenient and then congregating by language when the smoke clears...fukk all that... :camby:

Oh I feel you on this. Some Dominican at my Muay Thai gym clearly looks Black and so I asked him if he was Black and he said:

"No I'm Dominican." :whoa:

and I was like "Ughhhhhh...." :shaq2:

*all the Latinos in the gym started laughing when I said "Ugh' cuz they all consider him Black too*

He said "Yeah I'm Dominican, we're different...we can look just like y'all or be lighter" :sas1:

I said "You need to do some research on the DR...same boats just different stop". :sas2:

Later that night he tried to use the N-Word with me I told his ass "Don't call me a said you ain't us, so don't try to talk like you us" :hhh:

Dude was looking like...:dwillhuh::mjcry:

Trot LaRoc

Dec 15, 2016
She a disgrace to tha Chi:stopitslime:

Usually Ricans are tha least :mjpls: of Latinos...ol girl must really wanna get in on that WS stimulus


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
Bumping this thread to say this shyt flopped commercially and critically.:lolbron:
$14 million made as of yesterday off a $15 million budget. :mjlol:
Seems like even her own kind didn't even come out to watch it.:russ:

that movie looked terrible and was destined to flop.

it can only redeem itself on TV in Spanish channels


Mar 11, 2015
Yall forgave Cardi B for calling black women roaches though.This woman may love,hate or be indifferent to black people as a collective like most other races. She hasnt said anything particularly hateful so i have no real issue with her since she is not an abomination or effecting the minds of our children.Unlike homosexuals and white feminist nikkas who are allowed to use black civil rights movements,and black people as a means to get support for their people. She just failed to come correctly,but she is a woman so that is to be expected.