I been saying this for a bit now in general and that’s with Ghost being my favorite artist and always in my rotation. There isn’t any reason to ever have anything mid. Ghost and Wu in general are legends and there is a ton of dope unknown talent. It’s just like alot of them (or their team) don’t even try and it’s very disappointing as a lifelong fan. Cap shouldn’t have ever had terrible album covers. Ghost shouldn’t have mid beats. All it takes is one person on the team to dig a little bit.
They don't care. They only put out music to generate income. It's juat a job at this point because they feel like they've done enough for their legacy and in today's climate no one really cares what old rappers are doing. As long as they have enough diehard fans who will buy their music regardless of quality that's no reason for them to put in effort to be great.
They can put out mid and do some shows in Europe