I'm just saying the Africans that I've met didn't tend to have many ADOS friends. At the most we would all be acquaintances but never really close. I met this Rwandan chick who acted friendly at first. Then became standoffish for no reason at all. At another company I befriended a dude from Cameroon. But he would rather hangout with his white friends. I've got numerous examples where their wasn't any bad blood or anything. But I noticed that Africans would kind of give the cold shoulder to ADOS especially in the workplace.
Even the barbershop I frequent is owned by a dude from Angola. He hires ADOS barbers in his shop. But his Angolan customers don't chop it up with us and vice versa. I can't be the only one that has experienced this. If they won't really rock with us in the US. Just imagine how they would act if we lived in their country.
Maybe your personality sucks. Did you try to be friendly with them or did you want them to cater to you(conciously/subconciously)? Does chop it up means you expect them to kiss your a$$? Be for real.