Thanks breh and I say all that as someone who is interested in getting the snip snip when I'm of an ethical age (by doctor's standards) and doesn't condone raw dogging just cause but to cite vasectomies as a rational solution for men under 30 is lazy.
This is just a conversation I've never seen men have... it almost seems like a different world on here... chix have babies.... they dont feel like having more, they get their tubes tied..
The End.
I'm 37 and nobody in my clique has ever mentioned it...
Also, I try to stay as far away from hospitals as possible...
I almost feel like this vasectomy conversating is just another agenda...
Like men have been pushed beneath women so far now that b.c. now means a man should do some surgery... even tho the convo always goes back to a woman saying "it's my body"...
So ur responsible for it then....
It's very strange times, bro bro... strange times indeed