My Nikka got horse teeth and a white woman taller than him... only thing left is the MJ bleach job to complete the domestication.

Remember that movie "Sorry to Bother You"
My Nikka got horse teeth and a white woman taller than him... only thing left is the MJ bleach job to complete the domestication.
Somebody should tell him you can’t go back
And repercussions.
Okay? Generally most people aren't worried about their teeth being discolored or broken.Braces/Invisalign doesn't address chipped teeth, discoloration of teeth or broken teeth.
With all due respect breh, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Speaking of teeth I am getting laser whitening in a few weeks and a deep clean. Anyone had it done and how was it?
It hurt like a motherfukker. Like a pinging pain that went straight to the nerve.
I chipped my tooth when I was a kid and my dentist sold me on getting a crown(?) So before I did the crown so recommended that I whiten my teeth so that she could match the color of the crown easier.
Ive never had a laser whitening, but if I've had deep cleanings before. I had one lady who wasn't too gentle and she caused me to have TMJ.Speaking of teeth I am getting laser whitening in a few weeks and a deep clean. Anyone had it done and how was it?
Ive never had a laser whitening, but if I've had deep cleanings before. I had one lady who wasn't too gentle and she caused me to have TMJ.
It felt like she was chipping away like people chip ice.
How long does the pain last? Is it something that lasts days after?
Yeah, you're supposed to know what's is going to look like. I guess the guy did the out of the country-one day procedureI'm shocked the doctor didn't give him some sort of before and after picture before the surgery .. ruined his whole grill for nothing ..
Okay? Generally most people aren't worried about their teeth being discolored or broken.
Veneers ain't it!