Your ignorance is blinding. The argument made by the 'race is a social construct' crowd, is not that phenotypical differences do not exist between sub groups--- thats absurd, the argument is that the physical characteristics that mark racial categories are controlled by a handful of genes (roughly 6 genes control face structure, hair texture, and skin color, out of the 30,000 that make up a human genome). The social construct is the idea that these genes somehow act in CONCORDANCE with intellect, temperament, impulsivity, character, etc, that cut strictly along racial lines.....this is the racist argument that has survived for hundreds of years. Are you familiar at all with the human genome project, and its various works? Jesus Christ.
as far as some post modern authors you inquired about, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Jean-François Lyotard are good places to start. Please. Read something. Anything
You're incredibly condescending, what makes you assume i don't know the stance of the social construct crowd? I am asking the question so i can know their stance on the fukking topic.